It’s harder than I thought..!

Alice Kituli

I always thought pregnancy was easy but I have learnt from experience that it is not. My husband, Donald Mutua, and I wanted a baby and we had planned for it.

First, it took me two months to conceive. During that time, I was a worried woman. It may have only been two months, but because we really wanted a baby, it seemed like years on end to me!

When we found out that we were going to be parents we were so excited! That was last year in October. Because of the excitement, I began attending the antenatal clinics immediately. I wasn’t surprised by anything at the antenatal clinic. I guess it’s because I have friends who have babies and they already told me what happens during the clinics.

My body had a hard time trying to get used to the idea of being pregnant. The first three months were terrible. I had an awful bout of morning sickness. After the third month I became okay but up to now, in my the last trimester, I have battled with poor appetite. Although I haven’t developed strong cravings for any specific food, sometimes I feel I want a particular dish and but if I don’t get it I feel like I’m missing something. I am coping just fine.

Before I got pregnant I would play loud music but nowadays I do not play music in my house. Although funnily enough, I don’t mind loud music in matatus—for some reason I just can’t stand it in my house!

In addition, there are some people I have developed a dislike for. I also don’t like ugali and spaghetti and yet they were among my favourites before I got pregnant.

Donald and I have decided we will not seek to know the baby’s sex before birth because my husband wants a surprise and besides, we are not too particular. Earlier on I wanted delivery through a C-section because my friends kept telling me how painful it is trying to push the baby during a normal delivery. Now, however, my mind is set on having a normal delivery.

After I talked to my doctor he advised me that it’s better to have a normal delivery and only opt for a C-section in case of an emergency.

END: PG8/26

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