I cannot wait for my baby!

Pregnancy sobered Phyllis up, completely changing her behavior.

I did not discover that I was pregnant until I went on holiday to the Coast with my husband and our friends. All of a sudden, I was no longer interested in partying and having fun. I did not even go out for one night during the entire duration we were there.

At some point during our stay at the Coast, the group had a surprise for me—a visit to the island. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy it and, instead, looked for somewhere to lie down and doze off since I was feeling bored.

All the while, I had no idea that I was pregnant. On our way back from the Coast, I felt a strong urge to eat ugali and sour milk—but when I got home and ate it, I puked everything out. Although we had carried back home a lot of fruits from our trip, I discovered that I only yearned for the unripe mangoes within the bunch. My husband implied that I could be pregnant when he noticed these changes in my behavior. He then suggested that I take a pregnancy test just to be sure.

I asked him to buy me a pregnancy test kit. I was sure the test would turn out negative. However, the test turned out positive. I was pregnant. That was in January. We were about to go back to work after the long Christmas holidays.

We have been married for two years and this is my first pregnancy. I thank God that I have been healthy throughout, apart from nausea that I experienced during the first trimester.

Although I was temperamental before I got pregnant, I usually find myself having a meek attitude towards people, something that is very unlike me. I have also become so quiet—my husband wonders what happened to me.

Unlike before when I loved partying and was never at home, I have completely cut down my social outings with friends; staying indoors when I am not at work. I also keep away from public places where I am likely to come into contact with smoke and dust, in a bid to protect my unborn baby.

Of late, I have also been very choosy with whom I hang out and what I eat. I do all this bearing in mind that I am carrying a life inside me. When I am with my single girlfriends, I avoid discussing the nitty-gritties regarding my pregnancy developments because this would bore them. I, therefore, prefer the company of married women and those who have children because they understand all about pregnancy and can even advise me.

I am grooming myself in mother’s activities, including shopping for fruits, and for available baby and maternity clothes. When I am not doing this, I will be in the kitchen trying out new recipes and enjoying every bit of their taste.

Unfortunately, my pregnancy has reduced the speed with which I accomplish tasks at work. Before I was fast and everyone appreciated this. I have become slow in delivering what would normally have been done quickly. I am conscious of being stern in case somebody blames it on my pregnancy.

I thank God that I have a very supportive husband who has always been by my side. He even attends the antenatal clinics with me where we jointly discuss all issues related to the pregnancy with the doctor. My mother has been of great support. Wary of worrying her, I only discuss my general well-being and progress with her. My in-laws have also been of great assistance. When I have visitors, they normally help me host them.

This is a totally new experience for me and I have become panicky. I have decided to take Lamaze childbirth classes to enable me to get psychologically prepared for what is ahead of me. I am praying for a natural birth. Since I learned that I was pregnant, I have devoured manuals that guide me on what to expect at different stages of the pregnancy.

Many myths and theories abound when one becomes pregnant. But I made a decision not to follow or listen to any of them: I always consult my gynecologist on various issues while at the same time reading a lot of pregnancy literature.

I remember one time when a lady called me to ask if my nose is fat. at which point, she proceeded to claim that I would get a baby boy. Some people claim that I will have a baby boy because I have not experienced many pregnancy complications.

But I know that the safest way is to visit the clinic and get medical advice from an authoritative source.

I wish for the baby to come soon because I have not enjoyed good sleep since I got pregnant. I usually stay up at night, sometimes watching football, or doing one thing or the other, unlike before when I really loved my sleep.

The best decision my husband and I have ever made since I got pregnant was of going for the scan together. This made us realize that the baby is indeed real, not just something making me grow big for nothing. Someone is alive, breathing, and moving, inside me!

During the initial stages of pregnancy, I was scared of being unable to cope with the pregnancy while working. I had a huge assignment when the year started which required a lot of traveling but had stopped driving because of the pains I used to get in my diaphragm. Overall, I have managed well so far, delegating some duties. I have learned to take everything in stride. I was also afraid that I would become moody or be constantly unwell. But I thank God that none of this has happened.

When my child comes, I hope to expose it to what we were not exposed to when we were young. I plan to make him/her an all-rounder, at the same time ensuring that we do not force anything on them. I also hope my child will be confident and independent, as l am.

If I get a girl. I will call her Ruby which means jewel, and if it is a boy, he will be named Kyle.


END: PG15/24-25

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