Fitting into your tights again

Exercising after childbirth is usually quite challenging. Before you try any form of exercise, it is always important to consult your health- care provider.

Once you’ve been given the go ahead, try and spread out your exercise routine in weeks. If you have had a Caesarean section, then you will have to be much more careful. You can ease your way to recovery with gentle movements.

As you begin, start easy, listening to your body. Then gradually increase the intensity of exercising. Should you feel pain when exercising, stop. The pain is likely to be in the lower back or pelvic area. You can as well choose to do these exercises under special supervision.

I advise my clients to avoid intensive exercises such as aerobics and running, especially in the first three months. This is to allow full muscle and joint recovery after pregnancy and birth. Swimming should be taken after six weeks to avoid the water’s infection risk. Other exercises that can be done after six weeks include Yoga and Pilates.

Areas you need to focus on when you are out to lose weight are the tummy, the thighs, and the bum. Start with minimal exercises that will improve your cardiovascular system. That is an exercise that will make your heart beat faster and get you slightly out of breath. This can be achieved through a brisk walk or cycling. If you are also in need of toning the muscles, it is advisable that you use very light weights.

Note that any form of exercise should begin with at least 10 minutes of warm-up. This is to be followed by passive stretches that mainly target the big four major muscle groups i.e. the bust, back, shoulders, and legs.

Lower tummy exercise
By six weeks you should be comfortable with this.

  • Lie down on the floor mat, facing up. Try and breathe gently in and out in a controlled and soft manner.
  • Tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Connect your mind to the forces engaged and start by contracting and relaxing those particular muscles. Do these 10 times, then repeat.
  • Lift your pelvis from the mat an inch or two, and feel your body as you squeeze and lift.
  • Try to pull your belly button in and up at the same time. Hold and squeeze for up to 10 seconds, while breathing normally. Try not to hold your breath or arch your back as you do this.
  • Relax everything and start from the beginning after 5 seconds. This should also be repeated 10 times as the first one.

END: PG 33 /36

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