First word 5


I cannot quite explain the feeling a new dad gets, when finally his newborn is placed in his arms. Judging by my husband’s reaction when I delivered our first baby several years ago; it must be a very fulfilling moment. But I also know that however exciting it may have been for him, he was soon looking at me with eyes that said: Thank you my darling for this beautiful gift. Will you now keep him safely for us?’

When I was discharged from hospital, I arrived home to ululations and a crowd of visitors. Everyone was so excited. The baby seemed to have an electric effect on all who saw him. For a moment I thought the visitors had forgotten me. ‘I have come to see the baby!’, ‘He is so cute!’ When attention finally turned to me, it was to ascertain just how much I had ‘suffered’. Occasionally, someone would ask me: ‘Was it very painful?’ Even my hubby did not spare me that question!

Those were the moments of my happiness. To see others appreciate what I had laboured for. The presence of visitors and relatives was gratifying. But behind all the flurry of activity however, I faced my real challenges.

First, I was as tired as a gold miner. My whole body ached and I was extremely fatigued. Second, I was so sleepy, I might actually have been sleep-walking and sleep-talking to visitors all along! Third, I wanted my hubby to sit by my side all day long, but that was not practical- since there were so many visitors. And when they reduced a few weeks later, he resumed duty at his office! Lastly, and most challenging of all;  here was a tiny baby in my arms. His livelihood and safety were my responsibility. Imagine that! His every move was demanding and waiting for my attention, for as long as my hubby was out working. I was overwhelmed!

The baby’s nostrils got blocked. He wetted his diapers. He coughed at the slightest exposure to a breeze. His skin tanned upon the sun’s rays. He slept — and woke up as fast! My baby refused to suckle, while my breasts ached with overflowing milk. He cried… and I cried too!

As some new mums mostly ask  ‘Now that I am home with a baby — what next?’ Let us all support new mums and dads with ideas, bless them with visits, and laugh with them. Let them sleep off their fatigue and worry while we visit!

Take care.


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