First Word 30

Upon receiving news that you are expectant, you get a number of emotions—most of them joyous and few of anxiety, asking the question. ‘Do I have what it takes?’ Because you want the best for your dear one.

As you go for the scan and you see the little head, torso,toes, arms_ you see a star flickering occasionally. One time it’s around the baby’s heart, the next you are not so sure if it was just in your head But you know that what you just saw was greatness. The potent power to conquer whatever… The kicks, however subtle, take that vision to another level. It becomes tangible evidence that the child surely CAN!

The height of the vision is when you finally see the little individual for the first rime wailing his lungs open Someone told me they received their baby with hands trembling from humility of being entrusted with something—yes fragile, but extremely beautiful with the word ‘potential’ written all over their soft curves; and from the big question, ‘Do I have what it takes?’

This is because, between the delicateness that you feel as you held your little friend and the manifestation of their potential, is YOU. And like every mother I know, deep in there, you know you can do just about anything to make your child’s star shine without flickering.

In the folds, meet mothers and fathers who are determined to do so. Among them is Mr. Musau Ndunda, who knows one star-polishing tool—education. He is a father who wants to see every child shine and thus his relentless fight for free education. He is a father of five. One who has also seen the flickers right from conception—if not from when he met their mother. Find out more in the Been There column.


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