Dear Doctor ‘P’ 32

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Answers are provided jointly by our team of doctors

Our Team of Experts

Dr. Blasio Omuga
Lecturer, School of Nursing Sciences, University of Nairobi
Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist
Based at Doctors’ Plaza, Clinic No. 18, Kenyatta National Hospital

Dr. Njoki Fernandes
Based at The Nairobi Women’s Hospital

I am 20 weeks pregnant. My pregnancy has been quite normal except that now I have frequent nosebleeds. Why does this happen?

Nosebleeds are a common occurrence in pregnant women. They happen due to the increased volume of blood and changes in blood cells in your body. Treat them in the usual way by applying pressure or a cold compress over the nose.

I am now in my last trimester and I get a shooting pain on my right hip that goes all the way down my leg. What’s wrong with me?

This is called sciatic nerve pain. It is caused by the weight of the baby pressing on your sciatic nerve, which runs down through the pelvis and is susceptible to pressure from the baby’s head. Try to get your baby to move position by changing your own position when the pain occurs, which may help, as may pain-killers. Apart from this there is little that can be done as delivery of the baby is the only solution.

I am 10 weeks pregnant and my mouth permanently feels full of saliva. What can I do?

This is known as ptyalism. It is common in the first trimester of pregnancy. There is little you can do except rinse your mouth out to get rid of the saliva, and take plenty of tissues with you wherever you go. It usually doesn’t last many weeks and is not a sign that there is something wrong.

I am 21 weeks pregnant and have tender breasts. Today I noticed a small lump in my right breast. Should I be worried?

It is very common to have tender and diffusely lumpy breasts in pregnancy. But if you’ve noticed a lump yourself, it needs to get checked out by your doctor. Make an appointment as soon as possible.

END: PG32/7

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