Dance to build confidence in your pregnant body

Dancing is a means of communication, recreation, and also expresses different cultural roots and practices. It has been in existence since the ancient times. Dancing requires balance and correct body posture. As you struggle to find these while dancing, the body adjusts and in the process you gain useful benefits, especially in pregnancy. These are keeping weight in check, easing your backache and relieving tension in muscles and joints. Additionally, some forms of dancing are beneficial throughout pregnancy and they help in opening up the pelvic bones later on during labour. Also, dancing will lift up your mood.

Joining a dancing class also helps a mother meet and socialise with others, also allowing for bonding time, which is a benefit to her mental health and her social skills. The best thing about dance moves is that they are easy to learn even if one has never trained before: as long as you are willing to make the moves. However, not all forms of dancing are recommended in pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to pick the best form of dancing depending on your age. ability to make the moves and the stage of pregnancy. No matter how fit an expectant mother is. she should take care not to over exert herself in her last trimester of pregnancy. Even before, she should pay extra attention as she may lose her balance and fall. Ensure that any dance is done at a slower pace than is the norm More importantly, consult your care giver before commencing dancing sessions.

Dancing you may engage in

The forward movement and the back movement are the two basic progresses that are variously combined with different body moves in basic salsa dancing.

This is a most common form of dance, with classes being offered in various places. It burns calories and releases toxins due to the required movements.

It also helps relieve stress, probably because it is pleasurable to move to the tunes, and it’s easy to follow steps are fun and easily lighten up moods. Furthermore, it requires a partner making it fun to reconnect with your spouse or close friend, especially if they know the moves. However, this style can be exhausting, so if you feel dizzy, take a rest. Also avoid sharp movements and turns and watch your pace to avoid falling.

Belly dancing
It helps reduce weight, tones the body and is recommended by doctors in reviving flexibility and strengthening of the pelvis, which is required for the birth process. The hip circles and other movements of the belly dance favour an optimum engagement of the foetus in preparation for birth. This makes it a suitable option even in the last trimester of pregnancy. The most important precaution to take is to avoid deep back-bends as they could hurt your back. Other dance moves can be adopted by an individual or learnt in dancing classes. It is interesting to note that dancing as a form of exercise helps expectant women to gain confidence in themselves and their own bodies. This improves their self esteem.

Precautions to take
o Tap dancing, high energy clubbing, vigorous jerky movements or any form of dancing that will require you to jump should be avoided as this could cause an expectant woman to lose balance easily and harm herself and her baby.
o Drink plenty of water and do not overdo any activity to minimise the risk of injury to ankles, knees and hip joints.
o Do not exceed your limit: instead listen to your body.
If it demands rest, do not strain it. Different people react differently to different activities, some women can dance up to their delivery date, while others need to take a rest as early as the start of the last trimester.
o Consult with the doctor on any activity you undertake especially if there are any strange sensations during the sessions.

END: PG25/42

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