Celebrating Birth 15

MY EXPERIENCE – Veronicah Wanjiru

It all started on Saturday 5th July. Being a first time mum, I thought I was hungry so this Saturday I told the help to prepare enough food-that was around 7pm. My hubby arrived later and I slept but Alas! At around 4.30 am now what I thought was hunger turned to be funny ‘more like cramps.’ I was a bit excited knowing this is it and anticipated a normal delivery being that my EDD was on 8th July. I drank milk and off we went to the nearby private hospital. On arrival, the nurse did some vaginal examination and and said I had dilated 2 cm and had to be admitted. NO WAY! I said that I had ‘papa shirandula’ crew ad cast visiting my home so I left to go prepare food and it was amazing because I had fun though my contractions were coming after 24-30 mins. I went back to the hospital at around 3 pm. The nurses broke my ‘water’ to check if it was clear and ok.

He! The pain was intense, backache. I laboured for enough hours. Come morning I had dilated 7cm only 3cm remaining. The resident gynae came and said that I had to be rushed to theater!  That was 10 o’clock in the morning. At around 11am, Baby Marcus Jatelo weighing 3.55 kgs. was born. I couldn’t hide my joy. I look at him and wow! It was worth all the pain. He really looks like his dad.  Am ready to give my all to Marcus and may he grow to be God fearing, humble, loving, sociable person and as his name ‘JATELO-Leader’ I know he will be.  Veronica Odhiambo

Marcus Jatelo Odhiambo
Born: 25 April 2008
Time: 11.00 am
Weight: 3.55 kilograms



As the sun sets on a bright day in golden colours and comforting rays penetrating every opening, so was my second pregnancy.  The only challenge was sensitivity to smell and the sweating of my right foot which had  to be scanned to overrule and blood clotting and had to take some medication to prevent the same. I also experienced a lot of pain on the diaphragm from the 4th month and I can term it as my worse moments. I was able to work till the last day.

I got my first baby through Caesarean Section. I had planned to try the scar for this second baby but I changed my mind the last minute. I was booked for an elective Cs on Wednesday 25th June. I reported on 24th morning and all the necessary tests and preparations were done. Everyone was so nice to me. Making me feel comfortable. I was taken to theatre at around 10.30 am. I was a bit nervous and asked a lot of questions before the operation due to my first experience. On 25th June at 11.30 am our lovely baby girl weighing 3.7 kg was born. We thank God for Joanna(God-given) and trust that she will grow in the fear, knowledge and wisdom of him.   Salome Macharia.

Joanna Njeri Macharia
Born: 25 June 2008
Time: 11.30 am
Weight: 3.7 kilograms



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