Another girl? I want a boy

Through the advice of a doctor, a couple can improve the chances of conceiving a baby of the sex they desire, explains Dr. Blasio Omuga

Determining the sex of the child is an interesting subject. Some may dismiss it as an issue completely beyond their control. In fact there are those who state that a child is God-given and the sex of a baby is predetermined. Period. However, for those seriously seeking to have a baby of a particular sex, this subject is a serious matter. What determines a baby’s sex?

The science of chromosomes, genes and DNA

Many people have heard of DNA. When the parenthood of the baby is in doubt a DNA test is carried out to determine who the rightful father and/or mother are. DNA – full name; deoxyribonucleic acid, carries the genres which transmit the inherit characteristics of a person.  Another acid, ribonucleic acid or RNA, carries instructions from DNA. DNA and RNA are nucleic acids because they are located in the nucleus ( or central part ) of a cell. The cell is the smallest structural unit in the human being. The nucleic acids together with some proteins make up a chromosome.

The human body is composed of cells which are organized into tissues. The tissues in turn make up the organs of the body. A cell consists of a nucleus (central part) surrounded by an essential semi-fluid chemical compound. Chromosomes are located in the nucleus of the cell. Each cell has 46 chromosomes (or simply 23 pairs of chromosomes). Of these 23 pairs, 22 pairs are autosomes. which are non-sex chromosomes. Only one pair is of sex-determining chromosomes. This pair comprises the two sex chromosomes X and Y

The making of a baby
Women have only X sex chromosomes. Therefore the full composition of chromosomes in every cell in a woman is 44 autosomes (non-sex chromosomes) and two X chromosomes, making the total 46 chromosomes in the human cell. Men have both X and Y sex chromosomes. Therefore the full composition of chromosomes in every cell in a man is 44 autosomes. one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, making the 46 chromosomes in the human cell. The reproductive cell of the female, the ovum, has only the X chromosome, while the reproductive cell of the male, the sperm, can have either the X or the Y chromosome.

During fertilization. 23 chromosomes from the male cell join 23 chromosomes from the female cell to make up a new cell of 46 chromosomes, which grow into a fetus. Of these, 44 are autosomes (non-sex chromosomes) and two are sex chromosomes.

By principle of genetics, the probability that a child will be a boy or girl is 50% for each, since the man produces both X and Y sperms in equal amounts. In real life however, the likelihood of having a girl is higher. Why?

The speed and lifespan of Y and X chromosome sperms
When sperm is ejaculated into the female organs during ovulation, the sperm will meet the ovum and fertilization will take place. If ovulation has already occurred an ovum (with X chromosome) will be waiting to be fertilized as soon as a sperm can reach the egg. The Y chromosome sperm travels faster than the X chromosome sperm and in such a situation will get to the ovum first and cause a XY union; a boy will be conceived upon fertilization. On the other hand the Y chromosome has a shorter lifespan which means that if a fertile egg is not waiting and ovulation takes place a few days after release of semen into the female organs, the Y chromosome sperm will not last long enough to wait for the egg. The slower moving but longer lasting X chromosome will therefore meet the ovum and a XX union will occur; a girl will be conceived. An X chromosome sperm can last up to three days after release.

Timing of sexual intercourse
With these facts in mind, one may be able to influence the sex of the baby. The simple principle is that ejaculation of sperm into the female organs during ovulation increases the probability of bearing a boy. If release of semen into the uterus takes place way before ovulation there is a higher likelihood that the Y chromosome sperm will have died off by the time the fertilized egg is released; therefore more of the X chromosome sperms will be present and the probability of bearing a girl will be higher.

Boy or girl what are the rules?

If a couple is keen to determine the sex of their next baby, the most important issue is for the woman to understand her menstrual cycle and be able to estimate as accurately as possible her ovulation day.

Rule 1: Understand the concepts of a menstrual cycle. How it happens and when. (Pregnant issue for July-August 2006 discussed this subject in detail. You may write to Pregnant for more information).

Rule 2: Determine when your ovulation occurs. Start marking on a calendar the first day of each of your menses.

Rule 3: Learn the signs of your ovulation. These may include one or more of the following: change in cervical fluid (the fluid becomes more slippery, stretchy and wet); brief twinge of pain or dull ache that is felt on one side of the abdomen; light spotting; increase in sex drive; change in basal body temperature (a consistent change and slight elevation in temperature); breast tenderness; abdominal bloating; heightened sense of vision, smell or taste.

Rule 4; Have sexual intercourse according to the following general guidelines: Avoid having sex on the exact day you expect your ovulation if you do not want to have a boy. Have sex three days before your expected day of ovulation if you desire to have a baby girl. If you wish to conceive a boy. have sex on the exact day you estimate your ovulation will occur

Irregular Periods
If you get irregular periods, predicting ovulation may not be easy due to the erratic pattern of your periods. For women with irregular cycles of 26 to 32 days, highest fertility is likely to occur between day 9 and 21 after the first day of the last period.

Alternatively you can figure out the days that you are most likely to ovulate each month. For example, if your cycle was 21 days during one occasion, 32 days on the next occasion and 28 days the other occasion, you will need to keep a record of your cycle for several months. Then subtract 17 from your shortest cycle and 11 from your longest cycle. The days in between the two are the ones you are most likely to be fertile. (In this case 21-17=4. 32-11=21 and you are likely to be fertile between days 4 to 21).

Intercourse occurring on your ovulation day and the day following ovulation gives you a probability of up to ninety per cent to conceive a boy and ten per cent for a girl. If intercourse occurs three days before ovulation, your chance of giving birth to a baby girl is up to ninety per cent.

Improving transmission of sperm
If a couple desires to have a baby boy, it is advisable to try and improve sperm transmission. To speed up the movement of sperm towards the ovum, a couple can apply the following techniques:

• The woman needs to have an orgasm. The contractions caused by an orgasm helps suck the semen upwards through the cervix.

• The woman should lie on her back for at least two hours after ejaculation to aid sperm transfer. Standing upright and walking around reduces upward sperm mobility. For instance, having sex while standing and then going about one’s chores increases the chances of having a baby girl.

• The woman needs to be relaxed as tension can slow down semen movement.

• The man should avoid having sex for at least three days before the ovulation day of his partner. This will ensure he produces mature sperms and semen with a good sperm count.

END: PG 3/10-11




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