Make beans a part of your daily diet

According to history, when people first started tilling the earth and developing agriculture, beans were among the first crops to be cultivated. Since then, beans have remained an important constituent in the diet of man. They come in a variety of colour and size, and because of their non-perishable nature they can be stored for a long time.

Beans contain essential nutrients which are essential in pregnancy. They constitute a good diet plan. They are also easy to prepare. They can be ground as flour to make stew and porridge, and can be fermented to make soy sauce. Beans can be cooked in a variety of ways, making it easy to serve them regularly with different meals. They are primarily boiled to destroy anti-nutrients and make them safe to eat. To avoid them being bland, they can be fried, stewed, baked or canned to accompany the main meal.

An expectant woman should ensure she has a large portion of beans in at least one of her daily meals as they provide an excellent source of nutrition. They contain iron, the mineral that makes haemoglobin (a pigment contained in the red blood cells which enables them to transport oxygen round the circulation). If beans are taken alongside vitamin C providing-foods such as tomatoes, then the iron is well absorbed.

Beans also contain vitamin K, which controls blood clotting. They are also a good source of calcium, iron, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, fibre and zinc. The folic acid in beans helps to reduce the risk of foetal malformations, while the calcium reduces cases of backaches and craving. Its high fibre reduces constipation.

Beans are digested very slowly, producing only a gradual rise in blood-sugar level. As a result, the body needs less insulin to control blood sugar after eating beans than after eating other high-carbohydrate foods. This makes them a suitable meal for diabetic persons. Their slow digestion also delays the rise in insulin levels that makes us feel hungry again soon after eating. Therefore they act as an aid for dieting.

Maximize its gains
To make the most of their nutritional benefits, cook them to destroy anti-nutrients and take them with grains like maize and rice. Grains lack some essential amino acids that are in beans but they contain sufficient amino acids that lack in beans. Beans and grains therefore, complement each other to make complete proteins.

Note that beans contain complex sugars that are indigestible. When these sugars are ingested they are fermented by intestinal bacteria to produce gas that distends the intestines and gives a bloated gas feeling. To lessen this gassy effect, soak beans for four hours prior to cooking and discard the water. Then add more water while cooking, and drain before serving.

When purchasing, pick beans that are evenly coloured, with a smooth skin. Ensure they have been sieved off any debris and stones. These will ease your work when you are preparing to cook them. Avoid buying in bulk if you do not plan to consume the whole lot in a while since they wither and lose the vitamin B6 nutrients. Also insects burrow into the seeds when they are stored for long, eating off the nutrients.

END: PG24/40

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