Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!


By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Helping your spouse bond with your new baby WHO is the firstborn in your family? Many women say their husband is their first child. Interestingly, some men agree! Maybe because if there is one reason that can make a relationship between a couple go away, it is a man’s perception that his partner is neglecting…

Expressing love through breast milk

By Babylove Network | August 6, 2021

The HIV AIDS virus can easily be transmitted from mother to her new born child. But this is avoidable. A HIV positive mother can ensure that her new born stays HIV negative. So, apart from feeding the baby on formula milk, what are the options available to a mother that ensure baby’s health is protected?…

Patricia Nyalwal

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

‘It’s all new to me…’ While Kenyans were celebrating Jamhuri Day on 12 December, my new baby girl was getting her first-time immunisation, shortly after birth. Before I left hospital she had received what I was told were BCG and IPV vaccinations. I had no idea what that meant, but I knew it was for…

Debbie Asila of Tatuu

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Getting back to work ‘Leaving my baby and going back to work was the most difficult thing for me!’ She is a mother, a wife, a radio presenter, a musician and, recently, an actress. Meet Debbie Asila of the sensational Kenyan music trio, Tattuu, as she talks about how motherhood has affected her career and…

Beauty bonding

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Getting ready for a new baby is exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Washing your infant for the first time can seem quite intimidating and scary since you don’t want to harm him. Furthermore, knowing which baby care products to have when you bring your newborn home, may seem confusing. Be it soap, shampoo,…

Banana time- anytime

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

We know them by their colour and shape, and whether they are eaten raw or cooked, they are undeniably, a delicacy. While many of us eat them for their nutritive value, others simply like their taste. Bananas are good for babies too and are in fact among the first solid foods given to infants. Bananas…

Attending To Her Bruise

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

A bruise occurs when tiny blood vessels are damaged or broken as a result of a bang on the skin. Blood leaks into the skin causing colour change on the bruised area to reddish, which is easily visible, especially for lighter skin. It then changes to purplish (blue-black), and eventually to dark brown as the bruised…

Weaning Your Baby

By Babylove Network | August 1, 2021

Weaning can be a daunting task especially for a first time and busy mum. It may prove quite difficult for the baby to adapt to solid food because for the first four to six months of his life, he has been getting food continuously from one source — the breast. There are a number of…

Happy moments as Tebogo gets sister

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

The day is finally here after a nine months period that seemed like eternity. Sitting at the last baby shower brought back my memories of the times I shared with Tebogo at birth. The semblance of time had of course eroded the vividity of much of those moments but the very important ones seemed to…

Sleep, baby sleep

By Babylove Network | August 6, 2021

Babies can keep their parents on edge, especially when they have all forms of sleep disturbance. It gets worse when their sleeplessness is accompanied by crying, keeping parents awake for long hours. This can be nerve wracking; fortunately, there are possible solutions, although some may not be immediate. The golden rule is to always keep…