Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Play + Learning = Safety

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

Children love to play. They have to as it is part of learning and growing up. Denying children time to play is denying them a very important requirement for their development. Games are either outdoor or indoor. The latter involves toys as well as electronic games, while the former are virtually limitless and include age-old…

Angel, my joy

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

‘Though my pregnancy was not planned, my daughter Angel Becky Makena has turned out to be an extraordinary child. She is the centre of my life and has injected meaning and a sense of responsibility to it.’ Sylvia Kilemi shares with Rebecca Njoki the joys of motherhood. JAUNDICE ATTACK My due date had passed by…

Your baby & the Law: A peak into your child’s rights

By Babylove Network | August 4, 2021

‘All rise!’goes the Court Clerk and everyone in the courtroom responds accordingly as the judge saunters in. They take their seats after the court proceeding that ensures that the involved parties are present. The accused are a man and a woman, and the complainant; a little, gentle person, cooing, drooling away, and hopelessly trying to…

Caring for baby’s navel

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

BABIES receive nourishment and oxygen in the womb through the placenta, which is connected to the inner wall of the mother’s uterus. The placenta is connected to the baby by the umbilical cord through an opening in the baby’s abdomen(‘umbillicus’). The umbilical cord is the only channel of communication between the child and the mother…

Day One of your toddler in school

By Babylove Network | July 28, 2021

Day one at school can be traumatizing for your child. How do you get them to deal with the first-day blues, how do you make it easy for them? According to my parents, I enjoyed being in school from day one. I actually pushed them to their wit’s end to take me to kindergarten from a…

A mattress that says ‘Hush, baby hush…’

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

There is a lot of physical and mental development that takes place when a baby is asleep; which explains why sometimes the baby’s brain is more active during sleep than when awake. By age three, the average child has spent more time sleeping than all wakeful times combined—starting with 22 hours a day sleep in…

Our First Scare

By Babylove Network | July 31, 2021

Baby Zuri is two days old. I have just woken up and decided to take a warm, relaxing shower so as to start my day well. I am still trying to figure out if it is the rain or early morning weather that is causing the cold outside. As I leave the bathroom, I meet…

Why Some Babies Refuse Mummy’s Feeding

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

HAVE you ever arrived at home from work eager to feed your baby, only to be met by a fierce and blatant rebuff? No matter the pleading or coercion, your baby says and acts a strict ‘No!’ Many career mothers eager to enhance their bonding with their new babies find this kind of incident disheartening.…

Just before the pretty teeth show

By Babylove Network | August 1, 2021

Baby’s teeth are important and though they may cause anxiety while showing up, teeth help in allowing proper growth of the jaw and in eating. Therefore proper care needs to be taken. Rebecca Njoki discusses teething in babies. The emergence of the first teeth in babies may be a frustrating time for the child and…

My enjoyable Eric

By Babylove Network | August 4, 2021

Rose Kwamboka is Eric Junior Moriasi’s mother. She tells Rebecca Njoki of her motherhood experience. Initial days after giving birth I have a supportive house help so I did not have reason to complain. The nights were strenuous though because the baby was not sleeping. For the first three months. Eric would sleep at 2am…