Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Peaches. Yummy, nutritious and available

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

Peaches, which first originated in China, have beneficial vitamins and minerals that make the man excellent choice for people wanting to eat healthier food. They rank very high in nutritional value and when combined with a healthy diet and exercise, they aid with the function of most of the body’s systems. Peaches as a snack…

Healthy nutrition for growth and development

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Guidelines Rigid timings should not be set for feeding. As a general guideline, five minutes per breast per feed on the first day, 10 minutes on the second day and 15 minutes thereafter can be tried. Early initiation of breast- feeding is important. The baby should be put to the breast as soon as possible. In the…

Feeding your child-the budget friendly yet nutritious way

By Babylove Network | August 6, 2021

Living is becoming expensive with each passing day-and money is scarce. Come a new baby and you have more mouths to feed. This means you have to dig deeper into your pockets. Luckily, the first six months of a baby’s life are entirely recommended for breastfeeding. In this period, a new mother may not be…

In search of understanding

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

The days following my confirmation to my family that I was expectant were filled with drama. From my son, the maid and unfortunately, my husband too, smiles were not forthcoming. Not that I had bothered to explain my pregnancy to anyone, but it appeared to me that everyone, including the neighbour’s cat and the watchman’s…

Protect your baby from cigarette smoking

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

While many pregnant women do not smoke because they understand the dangers of cigarette smoking to their health and their babies, they still find themselves in surroundings that endanger their baby’s or unborn baby’s life. These include smoke from a thick cloud hanging in the air at a favourite restaurant, or a cigarette the spouse…

Give him playing armour – for less pain and less scars

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

It was a warm, sunny day-perfect for the outdoors. Pete went out to play soccer with his friends. In Pete’s neighbourhood, it was common to see young boys playing with no protective gear, and parents even thought that this would toughen them up. However, for Pete, that was no ordinary day and a few playful…

Common mistakes mothers make with newborns

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

When you take your bundle of joy home from the hospital, it is inevitable you will not do everything right. Paediatricians were asked about the five most common mistakes parents make with their newborns. Here were their responses: Letting a newborn sleep through the night. ‘One of the things that make me cringe is when parents say to me, ‘The first night…

Blocked nose

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Helping him clear it A nose full of mucus is nasty to all, but more so to babies below two years because they must breathe through the nose, which they have no ability to clear. A stuffy nose is caused by the common cold or allergic reactions like asthma and sinusitis that inflame blood vessels,…

Health Insurance. Don’t leave home without it

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

One may ask, of what importance is it to get a health insurance? And to answer that, I am reminded of the Scouts’ motto, “be prepared”. As such, I feel it is important that one adopts it even when it comes to life-preparedness for unknown eventualities should rattle you out of your comfort zone and…

Mary Mackenzie-‘Thoughts of my baby always fill my mind’

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

Mary graced Pregnant issue 11 Valentine’s cover. Her baby boy, Tyler Mackenzie (pictured with her), was born on 7 February 2008 Being a first time mother is very exciting. My baby loves eating! I breastfeed him on demand which seems like always; I have however become accustomed to it. I had to go back to…