Happy diaper changing

Diaper changing is probably the most dreaded of all baby care activities. The truth of the matter however, is that diapering has gotten much easier as the years have gone by.

Disposable diapers
Disposable diapers, especially, have become simpler to use and hold more with fewer leaks than they did 10 years ago.

Disposable diapers are everywhere in different brands, sizes and features. Notably though, the basics of how to get the diaper on the baby are much the same.

1. Gather your supplies
Be prepared. Collect a couple of diapers, wipes, ointments … anything you would need to change the baby. For safety reasons, you don’t want to be searching for something with an irritated baby waiting for you. Always open a wipe or two and have it unfolded and laid out ready to use.

2. Lay the baby down
Most people have a specific area to change the baby. This can be a changing table or changing pad. If you have a table, be sure to use the strap for the baby’s safety. Never leave the baby unattended while changing him or her. Unfasten the old diaper, but don’t pull it out from under the baby yet. This allows for some margin of safety in case the cold air inspires baby to roll over. Remember to be talking playfully with the baby as you do this.

3. Hold on
Grasp the baby’s ankles and gently lift their bottom up and begin to clean their bottom with the wipes. If the area is heavily soiled you can use the front part of the old diaper to remove part of the mess. When the baby’s skin is clean, pull the diaper and wipes out from under him and set it aside, or throw it in the bin. Are you still talking/singing/ chuckling with baby as you do this? You should be.

4. Fresh & clean
Place the new, clean diaper under the baby and secure the fasteners. If you still have a newborn, you might need to fold down the top of the diaper to make room from the umbilical cord. Don’t be afraid to pull the diaper on snugly. If you have it on too loosely … You can imagine the mess that makes!

5. Clean up!
After putting baby’s clothes back on, take the old diaper and use the fasteners to make it into a small ball, criss-crossing the fasteners. Place it in the diaper pail or trash. Always keep some disinfectant near your changing table to use on your hands. Then you may hand the baby off to someone else or lay her down and wash your hands at the sink.

END:  BL 28/13

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