Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Must haves for little ones safety

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

Someone said the door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense. Another person said safety isn’t expensive, it’s priceless. We all want our houses to be safe havens, where we grow and equip our children with what it takes to make the best of the world – eventually. In this regard, we cannot…

Uncrown your baby of dandruff

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

Research shows that the hormones passed on from the mother to the baby at the end of her pregnancy over-stimulate the baby’s oil-producing glands resulting in ‘cradle cap’. The condition is characterized by a dry, flaky, scalp or a thick, yellow and scaly scalp. The scales may appear cracked or even greasy. While the condition…

Abnormal sweating

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

Causes and the cure Mum, look: giggles *Stacey showing a little pair of wet palms. ‘We have the same kind of hands. They make lots and lots of water. How come dad’s and *Tony’s don’t?’ ‘Because God made us on a rainy, rainy day: mum chuckles. Dad and brother were made on a hot, hot…

Your Word 30

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

Send your mail to: The Editor, Babylove, P. 0. Box 11463 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Or send your sms to: +254 722 624174 Email: babylove@integral-advisory.co.ke Only mail or sms with your name, postal address and day-time telephone number can be published. The identity of the writer may be withheld only if requested in writing. The…

Project Baby

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

‘Will you open the door for him?’ I ask Megan who is curled up on her favourite couch. ‘I do not think I can do that. How do I tell him that I am sick? What if he turns and runs away? I am so afraid. I cannot handle another setback. I think it was a bad idea to call him. You…

Gentle unfolding…

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Continued from Issue 35 The doctor, on realizing that I was not paying attention goes through the whole process again mentioning the important points. I take notes: o I will have to start taking Anti retroviral drugs. o The doctor can do a prescription which costs about five thousand shillings a month or o The…

Day care-just like home

By Babylove Network | August 6, 2021

You have probably seen one in your neighbourhood. You have even contemplated taking your baby there but then you have also had reservations, not knowing what care he will receive. We give you an insight on what day care centres are all about. What should a parent look out for when choosing a day care…

Raising my son in a foreign country

By Babylove Network | July 28, 2021

Melissa Petersen has had to adjust and make changes to raise her Christian, her baby boy; she lives in Denmark with her husband. She shares her experience with our staff writer. Christian is born My due date was late by one week. I checked into the hospital. and was informed that my baby’s heartbeat was going down…

Play + Learning = Safety

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

Children love to play. They have to as it is part of learning and growing up. Denying children time to play is denying them a very important requirement for their development. Games are either outdoor or indoor. The latter involves toys as well as electronic games, while the former are virtually limitless and include age-old…

CRY Baby

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

Tips and guidelines on why babies cry and how to soothe them.