Watery Points

  1. A pregnant woman needs between 8-12 glasses of water a day. Take more if the weather is hot or if you have been exercising.
  2. Water helps in better functioning of your kidney and liver; and your baby’s too.
  3. It flushes waste from your system’s cells. This helps prevent the urinary tract infections that are common in later pregnancy.
  4. Don’t just use thirst to take water. Many times, we don’t experience thirst until dehydration has already begun. It’s better to take water ahead of thirst.
  5. Water helps with your body’s expansion. It carries nutrients through your blood to your baby It also supplies the liquid needed for the amniotic fluid in the womb.
  6. You need water to reduce fatigue, avoid constipation, and miscarriage.
  7. Water cannot be substituted by sodas or other caffeinated beverages. These actually make your body dehydrate faster. The less you drink of these while pregnant, the better.
  8. Increasing your water consumption will help fight off fatigue. So the next time you 8 feel helplessly tired, consider taking some two glasses of water – instead of simply looking for a place to put your head down.
  9. Oddly enough, the more water you drink, the lesser the water retention-which causes swollen ankles.
  10. Water is good for better milk production.

END: PG 48 /26

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