Speak…on a pregnant note 16

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The Editor, Pregnant. P. O. Box 11463 – 00100. Nairobi. Kenya. Or send your sms to: +254 722 624174
E mail: pregnant@integral-advisory.com

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My experience
I used to stand in front of the mirror with a pillow under my clothes to see how I would look if I ever got pregnant. It finally happened; after a long wait.

I was overjoyed. I could not wait to start showing. I wanted everyone to see my beautiful bump. I did not experience vomiting like most women, though right from the first trimester. I became someone else. ! am usually hardworking, alert and on top of things—both at home and in the office. I however became clumsy, forgetful, and an extremely lazy day-dreamer. I was sleepy all the time. Apart from that, I became very dark, my nose grew big and my lower lip thickened. I did not think one could change this much due to pregnancy.

I sure was frustrated to see how much I had transformed. To make matters worse, those I worked with did not understand, but when I reflected on the reasons these changes had occurred, I could only smile.

I had planned for a normal delivery, but God knew better. On the last month. I developed complications and had to give birth by C-section. On the 11th of June this year, I delivered the most handsome baby boy in the universe. The changes I experienced are now fading and I am enjoying every moment of motherhood.

Thank you Pregnant for keeping me company throughout my pregnancy.

Nyokabi, Nairobi.

Editor Pregnant is proud to be associated with you. Your feedback is most welcome. Keep reading.

A great read
I am Carol, a great fan of Pregnant. I have bought each issue religiously from the time I was preparing to get pregnant.and throughout my pregnancy. The articles you carry are very insightful. I especially like reading the Mja Mzito and the Labour and Delivery sections. They prepared me a lot; I did not have any apprehension on my delivery day. My baby is  now a month old.
Keep up the good work!
Carol, Nairobi

Editor Thank you Carol. Pregnant strives to be of help and support to pregnant women and their families. We promise to keep you informed and entertained.

My wife in Pregnant
I am a husband and a reader of Pregnant. I first met my wife in the year 2004 while in college. Three years after graduation, we decided to settle down as husband and wife. We then decided that we wanted a baby. She is now six months pregnant.

My desire is to have her appear in Pregnant—as a surprise for her. She will like it. I will also be eager to send a picture of our baby, who will be delivered in late November. Otherwise, I do appreciate you for the good and educative publications.

Identity withheld.

Editor. It is good to know that Pregnant has been educative to you.
Pregnant welcomes the idea of having your wife featured.


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