Should a pregnant woman wear trousers?

Does a woman stop being who she is once she gets pregnant, and only picks back her ‘real’ self after she has delivered.

I ask this because there is a tendency for some people to assume-even demand-that a pregnant woman should only look and behave in a certain ‘mama-like’ way. Anything less would render her unworthy of respect!

One can point at a number of controversial issues surrounding pregnant women, over which debate rages both privately and publicly.

Should a pregnant woman wear trousers? The debate about women and trousers is not new-especially in regions of the world like Africa where the cold season is not adverse. Should a pregnant woman wear short dresses and miniskirts? As I grew up, it seemed to me that every expectant woman had to wear a long maternity dress. Obviously when my turn came I defied this ‘rule.’ I believe every human being is free to wear whatever they like in public, as long as it does not impute ill motive or break the silent code of decency. Should, or can, a pregnant woman look sensual? Or in the words of the more daring, sexy?

My answer: absolutely, YES!

My statement of fact is that a woman is the same person, before, during and after pregnancy. There is no valid reason why a woman should not maintain her stylish and sensual look during pregnancy-and feel that way, if that is her wish.

In addition, she must do all the things that ‘normal’ women do to keep themselves loved by their men. Finally, she is free to love passionately and openly, herself, her man and her world.

END: PG 11 /2

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