Pregnancy fluids-Drink away

Water sorts out many pregnancy issues; constipation, to fatigue, to dry skin and others. But, as the belly grows and hormones rush, your taste buds may just change – to repulse water. The refreshing glass of hydration becomes unpalatable and unquenching.

Here are some top drink ideas that will satiate your thirst and keep your body working at its peak.

Vegetable juice
Get the juicer and experiment with various vegetable mixes. A mix of carrots, cucumbers, celery, and ginger tastes great and may tackle nausea. Apple or lemon can be added for a sweet or sour taste. A glass of fresh juice will hydrate you as it gives you nutrition.

Spice your water
It may just take a splash of flavour to turn boring water to a refreshing drink.  Lemon or lime pieces are commonly known for this. You can also spice up your bland water by adding a splash of juice. NB: Consider doing it yourself. Many of the spiced waters in the market have artificial properties.

Caffeine is not recommended for pregnancy. Switch to decaffeinated tea – if you must have your tea. Tea (hot or iced) can help keep you hydrated If you choose a green version, you get antioxidants too. Just make sure’ you do not take it at the expense of other health drinks.

Avoid tea that is marketed as a nutritional supplement. Be sure to consult your gynaecologist or nutritionist before indulging in your tea of choice.

END: PG 48 /28

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