Look glamorous in the month of love

A growing bump could put you at odds as to what to wear especially on special occasions. But that should not be reason to make you stay at home on Valentine’s Day, while you could be out wining and dining with your spouse. You can still achieve on elegant, stylish and sexy look with the range of evening dresses and accessories available in the marker. There ore designs that cater to every body shape and size. Here is how you can dress smart.

Wear clothes with the right fit
A rightly fitting evening wear that is neither too small nor too loose makes you look gorgeous and classy. Be careful not to wear form-fitting or tight jeans because these will only make you uncomfortable. For comfort’s sake, go for the ones that are free flowing with diversified styles that will appeal to your liking.

Purchase clothes that bring out the best of your features
Avoid gowns that have horizontal stripes, especially in the last trimester of your pregnancy, they tend to exaggerate the body size. Buy a full-length evening dress instead of a short or knee-length one. This will add to your height and frame your figure as opposed to the short one that could give a stout and bulky look. Empire-designs and tube dresses should be favoured. They flow freely from the top, avoiding tightness in your middle. This blots out the extent of your growing bust and the diminished waistline. Luckily, most evening outfits are designed as flowing so it is not difficult to find the fitting ones.

Pick the right color
If shopping for an evening dress, remember to pick a garment whose color makes you look vibrant. This will avoid a dull look. To know the right color, hold it against your face and see if it adds a glow. If it makes you seem darker or dull, then that is not the right outfit for you. While shopping, stick to single-colored garments as they give a narrower and slimmer look.

Accessorize wisely
If you are short, wear long necklaces and delicate jewellery to look chic. If tall, keep the necklaces short. Add a loosely knotted silk scarf that has pattern if the dress is plain or a plain one if the dress has patterns. The scarf could also shield against cold if the evening turns out to be chilly. Wear one or two bangles and earrings. Accessories transform the mundane Into something special. Carry a handbag or clutch purse that matches your evening outfit.

Go easy on the make-up
Since during pregnancy your skin might become sensitive, it is best to use mild beauty products. Check ingredients as some may contain harsh chemicals which may aggravate your skin or harm the baby. On the other hand, pregnancy may have made your face glow such that your skin barely needs any touch up to improve it.

Get a flat or low-heeled shoe
In the last two trimesters it can get tricky to walk in high heeled shoes. A woman’s centre of gravity shifts and she can easily loose her balance. Even if that does not happen, you could get fatigued and thus miss the joy of an evening out. Therefore pick a comfortable but stylish shoe when readying yourself. Look for a shoe that is wide to allow for space in case your feet swell. Also pick one that has a flat or wide heel. Probable choices would be sandals, wedge shaped shoes or loafers.

END: PG19/44

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