Lamaze – choosing a birth partner

While many pregnant women opt to be alone in the delivery room come D-day; there are those who opt to have a loved one by their side.

Birth partners, also known as doulas, give continuous, non-medical care for labouring women. Their role is to provide attention and physical comfort, including touch and massage. They also assist with positioning, bathing, grooming and applying heat or cold compresses whenever needed. Birth partners also offer the much needed guidance and emotional support, as well as praise, reassurance, encouragement, and continuous presence. Together with offering information, which is non-medical advice, explanations of procedures, anticipatory guidance and childbirth care, they become invaluable. Lastly, they provide for advocacy, facilitating communication between the woman and hospital staff to assist her in making informed decisions.

You love him and if you have a great connection with him, then nobody else can do the job better. However, if he is ill-informed, then that can cause problems for you because he might end up feeling left out and unable to help. In addition to this, he should be calm and not take it personally if you shout at him.

However some husbands who witness their wives deliver may suffer psychological trauma like depression, or may lose their attraction for their partners.

A friend is also a great option for a birth partner. She has been with you through rough and smooth times, and you know you can rely on her—especially if she has had a birth of her own, a fact that can prove to be advantageous.
She understands exactly what you are going through and can give you support and guidance when you need it. However, if she has not given birth herself, she might not be up for the task. Have an honest discussion with her and encourage her to share her views and concerns regarding this.

If you are close friends with your sister then it would be easy to be with her. She knows you well: She has seen you at your best and at your worst. There is nothing she does not know about you. She will make a great birth partner. Besides, she will know how to calm you down and reassure you when need arises.

She has been present throughout your life, so why not honour her with a request to be in attendance during the most crucial and important time of your life? She will provide great support and help. Although she can bombard you with outdated and unscientific advice: she is a great choice.

The right person must be one who:
o You feel comfortable, safe and at ease with in their presence
o You are able to communicate well with
o Is mature enough not to take any swearing or shouting on your part personally
o Can bear to see in you in pain
o Can take charge and help to boost your confidence
o Is well informed about giving birth
o Is available

No matter what choice a mother-to-be has, it is important for her and her birth partner to attend antenatal or Lamaze classes. These help shed light on expectations during labour and provide insight into the use of accessories like the birthing ball and stool. It is also during these classes that breathing exercises are taught.

END: PG25/40

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