Keeping your GLOW

PREGNANT women are beautiful, no doubt about it. But in addition to that tell-tale rosy glow (which is actually caused by increased blood flow in your body), pregnancy can also stimulate some less desirable changes in your appearance. You probably expected the weight gain, but did you also know that your skin could become blotchy, prone to acne, and dry or oily, and your hair texture thinner or thicker? These are some of the outward signs of the internal hormonal changes you are going through now that you are expectant.

Pregnancy is a great time to re-evaluate your beauty routine. Make-up can do wonders during your pregnancy. It can be used as a tool to help you feel pretty and in control. That is particularly important during this time when many women feel they have lost control of their bodies and therefore how they look.

Pregnant women should keep their beauty routine simple and easy. A list of essentials includes a concealer for blotchy or uneven areas and dark under eye circles, yellow-toned foundation which is best for all skin types, a pink blush, and your favourite lip colour.

Start by first putting on concealer one shade lighter than your foundation just where it seems necessary, because that may be all you need. Then apply foundation, but only on the areas without concealer. Putting on foundation on top of a concealer just cancels out the effect.

Develop your own beauty style .Look for the traits that make you special and learn to accentuate them, and then build your personal style around them. And more than anything strive to feel good about yourself. When you feel confident, strong, and pretty on the inside, you will surely look pretty on the outside, too.

Take just as much time with your personal care as you did before you were pregnant because you are still a woman and nothing has changed that. Some pregnant women have a slightly different glow so you might want to tone down make-up or apply make- up just for a change.


Foundation: Keep your foundation and cover up light, because skin can prove to be quite sensitive during pregnancy and liable to sudden changes. You don’t want to clog newly sensitive pores, so your main focus should be on keeping your face moisturised and regularly exfoliating for a healthy glow.

Keep your eyes fresh: Every pregnant woman experiences fatigue, but that doesn’t mean your eyes have to look tired or sag! Keeping your eyes looking awake isn’t hard at all, just put on a thin coat of waterproof mascara after using an eyelash curler and your eyes will look more awake. If you rub your eyes all the time, use clear gel mascara to define your lashes.

Eyeliner: Eyeliner can be used to create different looks for a busy woman. A thin coat of eyeliner on the top lid is enough for daytime but during the evenings, another coat needs to be added to the bottom lid for a “more defined look.

Holding lipstick in place: Expectant mothers take a lot of snacks and drinks, and this makes it all that harder to keep lipstick looking fresh. Apply lip balm after the lipstick has dried; this will not only make the colour glossy, but the lipstick more stable.

Fragrance: Pregnant women can be very picky with the scents they want to have around them. You may find yourself disliking what used to be your favourite perfume, To avoid nausea from a scent, stick to natural and fresh perfumes. Avoid heavy perfumes or better still, just use a scented lotion.

Your nails: Some kinds of nail polish can be toxic and need to be avoided during pregnancy. But whether or not you apply nail polish, keep your nails looking good by keeping a small pair of nail clippers and a file with a cleaning tool on hand. Your nails need to be clean, healthy and pretty. Nail manicuring tools should always be on hand for grooming.

END: PG 07 /18

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