How and why Pregnant started

Each month since Pregnant was established, several readers have expressed their love for the magazine, but posed these questions to the Team at Pregnant: ‘Who started this magazine?’ and ‘How did the idea come up?’

Two years have passed since the first edition of Pregnant was released. It is simply a statement of faith and determination. The faith our readers have in this magazine, and the determination of our Team to forge ahead. Together, these two make what we have all come to know as the ’PREGNANT Magazine FAMILY!

Pregnant was started by Integral Advisory Limited (see: www.integral as a response by the Company to the challenges our families face due to inadequate maternal health education.

While undertaking assignments for a US international charitable foundation, the Directors of Integral Advisory came across unbelievable figures relating to maternal and infant mortality, and sad stories about mothers who had suffered serious consequences of pregnancy related complications.

In 2006, Integral Advisory founded Integral Media, to respond to our moral obligation—to do something about what we now knew to be major educational gaps in leading socio-economic sectors. Pregnant was our first project, among many others that have ensued. However small our contribution, we believed we would get the support of our fellow countrymen and women. We were not wrong!

Today, Pregnant is driven by our selfless readers.

When the Team at Pregnant put together the first issue, in 2006, we braved ourselves to face the task of looking for inspiring features that would be both educative and entertaining. To our pleasant surprise, we did not have to look far, as readers responded Immediately with overwhelming information.

Every issue of Pregnant has had such sustained demand that we established an arrangement with Chania Bookshop and others listed on page 79, to sell previous editions of Pregnant. Information in each edition remains relevant, and most women seek to purchase the entire package in order to be fully enlightened and entertained.

In the coming months, Pregnant is launching the new-look MjaMzito Diary, which some of our readers may have seen. Our intention is to avail this Diary to pregnant women as a starting point to helping them understand and enjoy pregnancy and birth -as a God given and beautiful occurrence in our lives.

As part of our ‘Thank You’, we are offering you a very special subscription discount of 50% on the cover price of Pregnant. This offer is only for the first 500 subscribers. Your form is enclosed in this magazine. This offer is valid only up to 31 August 2008.

We have our trust in you and continue to count on your support.

God bless you!

PG 14/05

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