First Word 21

I open my eyes slowly hoping what I have heard is something close to how my alarm sounds. But my hope is disappointed. So I stretch out my hand and turn off the blaring annoyance, then cuddle up for a few more seconds* snooze—which I insist I rightfully deserve.

But the rays gently seeping through my curtains, tell me that my ‘few second’s snooze* turned into a whole hour! Making me get out of that bed, like a bullet. I dash to my children’s room—they are supposed to be on their way out now. Thankfully, the beds are empty and well made. They are in uniform taking down their last swigs of tea. Oh this house-help… Sometimes I don’t know what I would do without her. Of course. it’s not something I would let her know, lest she grows horns…

Anyway, the kids are off to school, which makes me tick off one item from my day’s list. Item number two is to get to work in good time and clear the pile off duty that has built up with my being in the field. The shower sees an idea of me and in no time, I am racing through traffic. The rest of the day in the office is filled with buzzing phones, cruising through deadlines, explaining a few shortcomings as I rummage through how to sort them out. Before I know it. it’s 5pm! The mound on my desk is half way down. I like to leave my trays empty, but at this time, the motherly call begins to shout. Traffic sees me planning out the next day; until my kids hop into the car, then the air is filled with mum this—mum that. I make sure supper gets into pipe-line, homework is done, that my little dear ones do not sneak back to watch TV after 9pm, make a good effort to pay attention to my hubby’s day’s recap and then crawl into bed: hoping the alarm tomorrow morning will find me on my feet and up beat. But the story is usually the same.

Now, there’s something about Aprils. They come with the holiday, which gives me a break from school issues. Easter a cool continuous four days that wrap the element of time around my little finger, and the rains that wash the air and lock you in the house saying, ‘You need to time for you!’ April is my favourite month: mostly so, when I was pregnant. It had me put up my overworked feet and allowed my mind to bond with the usually neglected loved one growing within me.

This April, Pregnant is calling you to put your feet up: and have the likes of Catherine Nyamato in our ‘Been There’ column, tell you how they juggled duty and motherhood—a skill you may need after April. If being indoors gives you the creeps, not to worry, because Pregnant will be faithful company. You have got to put those pretty feet up and let your mind do the peaceful strolling. Our ‘Upper Room’ column will tell you where to wonder to.

Happy Easter, happy holidaying, and certainly, happy mind strolls!


END: PG21/5

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