Dear Dr. P 46

What are the causes of premature births?

A premature birth is birth before the 37th week. Although all body parts may be present, grave danger often lurks as the baby may not be fully mature and able to stand the conditions outside the womb. Some of the causes of premature birth are:

• Congenital – They include genetic and structural defects.

• Medical – This entails severe hypertensive and diabetic cases during pregnancy.

• Obstetrical – They include multiple pregnancies and accidents, leading to bleeding in pregnancy.

• Foetal – They include congenital malformations such as increased (excessive) fluid in the baby’s head.

Timing sex for conception

I have irregular periods and want to conceive. How best can I time my sexual activity?

■ Are there any drugs to regularize the menstrual cycle?

■ In my circumstances, how can I tell when I ovulate?

To know when you are ovulating subtract 18 from your shortest period and 11 from your longest period in the last six months. The dates give you the first and the last dates, respectively, during which you are likely to ovulate. Using early morning rectal temperature method, take your temperature every morning. The day the temperature rises by half a degree centigrade is the day you have ovulated. So, yes, it is possible to know the day of your ovulation. You must conceive the same day before the egg becomes non-viable.

You can also go for fertility counselling from your gynaecologist in case you need further help. This will help you plan your sexual activity.

Irregular periods can be regulated. This depends on the cause. See your gynaecologist for a diagnosis and then get specific management of the condition depending on the diagnosis.

Letter of the month
Please explain post Natal Depression (PND)

It is generally assumed that a new mother is a happy mother but this is not necessarily the case. Some suffer psychologically and emotionally without those around them knowing.

PND is a temporary condition characterised by altered behaviour and does not normally last for more than six weeks after delivery. If it lasts longer, then it is classified as a psychiatric condition that needs medical help.

If you are a new mother, the following tips may help to keep you away from depression or help you out of it:

• Ask for help. Do not try to handle every single situation that concerns the baby single-handedly.

• Engage in gentle exercises like walking in fresh air.

• Talk to other new mothers. You may get some helpful tips or you may even help someone out of the condition.

• Talk to a counsellor or a friend about it.

Pregnancy is associated with a number of discomforts. How do I know when there is more to the discomfort?

Consult your doctor when these discomforts go on for toe long or are severe.

A pregnant woman should consult a doctor if she experiences excessive vomiting, flow of fluid (from the vagina), bleeding, abdominal pain, high body temperature swelling of the hands and face or severe headaches.

Thankfully, many women attend clinic where discomforts can be diagnosed and trouble arrested early.


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