Dear Doctor ‘P’ 27

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Answers are provided jointly by our team of doctors.

Our Team of Experts
Dr. Blasio Omuga
Lecturer, School of Nursing Sciences, University of Nairobi
Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist
Based at Doctors’ Plaza, Clinic No. 18, Kenyatta National Hospital

Dr. David Kairagu
Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist
Based at KAM Health Services
IPS Building, 1st Floor, Kimathi Street, Nairobi

Dr. Njoki Fernandes
Resident Obstetrician/Gynaecologist
Based at Kenyatta National Hospital

Ovarian cysts and pregnancy

I was told that I have ovarian cysts in my last gynaecological appointment. What are the chances of me getting a baby? And if it is not there, as I have heard people say, what are the alternative ways of me carrying a baby in my womb?

Ovarian cysts may be functional or non-functional. Only functional ones may interfere with conception. Once diagnosed, appropriate treatment can be given to help you conceive and to keep off complications in pregnancy, delivery and later life. Follow up with a gynaecologist.

Could it be high blood pressure?
I am in my eighth month of pregnancy and I keep having headaches quite often. A friend told me that she had a similar experience in her advanced stages of pregnancy and was diagnosed with high blood pressure. What are the chances that I could be having high blood pressure and what do I need to do?

Any headache in pregnancy must be checked by your gynaecologist. It may signal infections such as urinary tract infections or malaria. It could be due to hypertension or metabolic problems. It could also be due to stress or a poor diet. Go for proper evaluation, care and support.

Close family marriages and malformation
In my culture, it is very common for us to marry first cousins. Most of my Uncles and Aunts did that. Can this cause birth defects?

Congenital malformations, especially of genetic origin are more common in close family marriages. The range of gene selection is narrow giving rise to less genetically strong offspring. The wider the genetic spread, the healthier the children are likely to be.

Timing fertility
I have irregular periods every 3-4 months, how can I time my fertility chart so that I get pregnant?

You can take the longest and shortest period duration and work out your fertility period. You can also use the thermal method by taking rectal (basal body) temperature when you wake up to determine the highest, thus detect the ovulation day. The nature of your cervical mucus can also help determine your most fertile period. Look out for when it is slippery, wet and visibly stretchy if tested between two fingers. For further advice visit your gynaecologist.

Birth spacing
How long should you wait after having a baby to get pregnant again? Are there any negative effects of having one baby after another?

Spacing between one child and the next should be two to three years. This gives the mother’s body enough time to recover from the effects of the previous pregnancy. The family also gets time to interact with and care for the present child. Short birth spacing depletes the mother’s strength and endangers her health. This eventually has a poor growth and development effect on the unborn baby putting them at a higher risk of infant mortality. The already delivered children also don’t get adequate attention.

END: PG27/07

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