Want to conceive? Beetroot is good for you

Have ever passed blood-red urine or bowels after eating beetroot, you might think this versatile vegetable contains blood. What a fright! But it is not blood; rather, a pigment specific to this plant called betacyanin.

Health benefits
Beetroot has an anti-anaemic and regulating effects on the digestive system. If you drink 50 to 100ml of raw freshly prepared beetroot juice before meals at least twice a day, you will be provided with the greatest anti-anaemic effects. In the long run, yoi will meet the increased need of the mineral that is vital during pregnancy, especially the second and third trimesters. This would be particularly indicated when you do not respond weli to iron supplements or treatment.

The beetroot also contains considerable vegetable fibre, most of which are soluble. These facilitate your intestinal action thus easing constipation. It also reduces your blood cholesterol levels and protects you from cardiovascular disease. Beetroot does this by decreasing the cholesterol absorbed in the intestines.

Other health benefits of beetroot include

» Improving blood circulation » Reducing the risk of kidney disorders

» Enhancing skin care » Eliminating dandruff

» Reducing the risk of gall bladder disorders and some cancers like cancer of the colon

» Slowing down tumor development and heart diseases

These benefits can be greatly attributed to the fact that beetroot is rich in dietary fibre, vitamin C, carbohydrates, proteins, magnesium, copper, phosphate and iron.

Beetroot is also an excellent source of folate that can protect you against high blood pressure and dementia. Folate is crucial during the first three months of pregnancy as it plays a critical role in the development of your baby’s spinal cord.

Folate deficiency could cause premature detachment of the placenta, premature birth, or low birth weight. You therefore have no excuse of not eating beetroot when pregnant or, even better, when planning to conceive.

Eating three small beets a day will supply your body with the required amount of dietary fruits. They also complement almost all meals. The blood-red colour gives a cheerful note to salads, juices and potato dishes.

You can prepare and use beets as:

Fresh juice: In case you find the flavour of beet juice unpleasant, you can mix it with other juices or sweeten it with honey to make it more palatable. However, avoid drinking more than 100ml at one go and instead sip it away slowly at intervals, to avoid indigestion.

Grated raw: If you choose to grate, cut off the tops and then peel with a potato peeler. After that, grate them according to your desired sizes and toss it with orange juice and eat. You may also choose to dress the beet with lemon or olive oil.

Cooked: You should boil the beets for at least an hour. The simplest way to tell that it is cooked is by piercing it with a knife. To easily peel off the skin, dip the beets in cold water when they are still hot. If however you want to bake them, wash, trim the stalks and wrap each beetroot separately in foil. Place in a moderate oven for about 40 minutes then serve as desired. You may also fry or grill beetroots. Cooked beets are more digestible.

Beetroot tips & facts

o Wash the beets gently to ensure the skin remains intact for cooking.

o Choose beets of similar sizes for even cooking.

o When trimming, leave an inch of the leaf stems attached and avoid removing he root until after cooking, o Wear rubber gloves when handling beets to avoid staining your fingers. Rub your hands with wet salt and lemon juice before washing with soap and water to remove beet juice from your fingers. For utensils, use bleach solution

o When cooking, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to retain colour and reduce the oduor.

o Beetroot is considered mild laxative that could help relax your mind. Some communities consider it an aphrodisiac

o If after eating beetroot, you notice reddish pink side effects, do not be alarmed. It’s the red pigments which passes harmlessly through the digestive system.

o Beetroot leaves are edible and also good for curing wounds.

o Excess consumption of beetroot is not recommended for people with kidney or gallbladder problems as it can cause body fluid to crystallize.

You may want to try out this simple recipe of sweet beetroot salad at home;

225g beetroot and 225g carrots. For the dressing, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 75ml olive oil and some salt and pepper to taste.

Boil the beetroot in its skins until tender (you could also do this in a plastic container in your micro wave).

Cool, peel and chop the beetroot. Peel the carrots and then grate them. Mix the two vegetables together in a dish and then pour the dressing over the top. You can chill for a short while and then eat.

END: PG32/36-38

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