The rainbow of benefits of omega 3

The ancient Romans and Old wives tales had it that fish was good for the brain long before anyone took this seriously. Then the eighties brought with it new discoveries about the health benefits of fish oil.

Scientists by then had noted that despite Eskimos living on a regular diet of seal blubber so high in saturated fats, many of them should have been dying from heart attacks, the incidence was virtually zero. The secret was that their diet included plenty of oily fish, rich In the essential fatty acids called Omega 3 and this is what protected their hearts This was also true for the Mediterranean populations famous tor their diets rich in Olive oil and fish as well as the Japanese whose diet is rich in oily fish. Omega-3 fatty acids belong to a group of fats called ‘essential’ because they are necessary for our good health yet we cannot make them in the body so they must be obtained from our diet and consumed regularly They are not the same as the fats we pile on our waists, hips and thighs.

The Omega-3 fatty acids maintain good health and protect against disease and are essential to life from the womb light through to the grave They are important molecules in the structure and activity of the membranes of all cells In the body helping ensure that this membrane Is ideally equipped to do its Job. They are also an important component of the brain and nerve cells and are needed on a second-by-second basis n the regulation of all our biological functions. They are also essential for the formation of new tissue and are therefore important for development and growth.

All fish contain Omega 3 fatty acids, but they are more concentrated in oily fish like Salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, herring and Nile perch. Of all oily fish, Nile Perch is said to have the highest concentration of Omega 3 fatty acids in the world. Other rich sources of Omega 3 are fish oil capsules and Cod liver oil, breast milk, organ meats, and algae The most important Omega 3 fatty acids are Eicosapentaenoic Acid or EPA and Docosahexaenoic Acid or DHA.

EPA is the mam player when it comes to preventing hearts attacks and strokes. It thins the blood and prevents the formation of clots which keeps the arteries that supply the heart and brain clean allowing healthy blood flow .It also reduces the cholesterol levels in the blood, lowers the blood pressure and promotes good blood circulation to the extremities by improving cold intolerance and decreasing blood vessel spasm. Because of this, the American Heart Association now advises heart disease sufferers, those with high cholesterol levels and healthy people to take fish oil supplements or eat oily fish to protect their hearts.

DHA is an important constituent of the human brain and nerve tissue. Of the solid or non water part of the brain, 60% is fat and of that, DHA makes up about 20per cent of its dry weight. A growing baby in the womb needs substantial amounts of DHA for the growth of Its eyes, nerves and particularly ts brain more so because the majority of the cells that will make up the adult brain are formed in the last three months of pregnancy. Babies obtain the DHA they need for this from the mother in the womb and from breast milk after birth A poor supply of DHA for the baby will mean impaired brain growth and a lower IQ and that’s why fish oil capsules are now one of the Important supplements given to pregnant women.

DHA is also required throughout the first two years of life when the growth of the brain is at its most rapid and this Is why breast feeding is so important because breast milk is rich in DHA. Scientists believe this is why breast fed babies lend to have higher IQs as compared to those who are formula fed (unless the formula is fortified with Omega 3 fatty acids) because of the naturally high DHA content of breast milk. Omega 3 fatty acids also lower the risk of ADHD and other disorders in children, improves brain function in adults and protects against Alzheimer’s disease and Depression.

Hundreds of years ago, people used to take cod liver oil ‘for all manner of lameness’ and scientists then found out that Granny really did know best! Omega-3 tatty acids do keep the joints healthy and strong by preventing the breakdown of the joint cartilage that cushions the bones and prevents them from grinding against each other and also relieves the inflammation that causes joint pain and stiffness. This reduces the need for strong painkillers in people who suffer from Osteoarthritis, the ‘wear and tear’ arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an auto-immune disease that can affect anyone both young and old and is due to a defect in the immune system that triggers the immune system to attack Its own tissue in the lining of the joints and this results in inflammation and the destruction of the joint. Omega 3 fatty acids modulate the immune system, and prevent the onset of Rhejmatoid Arthritis, and other autoimmune ciseases like Psoriasis and eczema, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease. The Omega 3 assists with the healing of the inner lining of the inflamed intestines and even in those who have already developed these diseases, the Omega 3 reduces the seventy of the symptoms and the dosage of the drugs used for their treatment.

Studies have also shown that Omega 3 fatty acids protect against cancer of the colon, breast and prostate and slow growth of already existing cancer cells. Fish oil Omega 3 also relieves period pains considerably.

A regular Intake offish oil Omega-3 fatty acids in all age groups protects against many of the mocern day diseases that cause premature death. How much is enough? At least two meals a week of oily fish or a dally supplement of a pharmaceutical grade fish oil or cod liver oil of between 450 mg to 1g in adults and 200 mgs in children.

For vegetarians and vegans, there is plant source Omega 3 fatty acids in Soya, hemp, flax and pumpkin seeds and leafy green vegetables as well as Flax Oil supplements but these cannot match the Omega 3 found in oily fish, fish oil or cod liver oil supplements as t can be used more readily by the body. Our bodies have to convert the plant omega 3 into EPA and DHA and the conversion process is slow and inefficient.


Omega 6 fatty acids are another group of essential fatty adds found in corn oil and sunflower oil. Both Omega 3 and 6 are essential for the health that the body requires—in a certain ratio.

Our ancestors, who lived long, consumed foods that had this balance right. Health experts are therefore encouraging people to lower their consumption of foods containing high levels of Omega 6 and urging that they increase their intake of essential Omega 3 fatty acids.

END: PG35/6

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