Baby Zuri

Everything is mine!!! It is now 10 months since Zuri’s brother, Ami, joined the household. And believe it or not, she is getting along with him well, albeit conditionally! As long as Ami stays away from Zuri’s toys, her food,her bed … anything she considers hers, they are the best of friends. Unfortunately, the house and everything in…

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Attending To Her Bruise

A bruise occurs when tiny blood vessels are damaged or broken as a result of a bang on the skin. Blood leaks into the skin causing colour change on the bruised area to reddish, which is easily visible, especially for lighter skin. It then changes to purplish (blue-black), and eventually to dark brown as the bruised…

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A Date with my Son

Is that the time? I think to myself as the clock stares back at me unflinchingly. It is 11 am. I thought it was eight. But I am still tired from last night’s singing. You see, lately, Tebogo has taken to watching television and he seems to love a particular commercial which always leaves him…

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My Child, My Teacher

I have three little teachers in my house. Well, one of them is no longer so little. The point, however, is that although we adults are bigger, stronger and should probably know better, there are times that we end up learning so much more from our children than teaching them. If we look closely enough,…

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Play + Learning = Safety

Children love to play. They have to as it is part of learning and growing up. Denying children time to play is denying them a very important requirement for their development. Games are either outdoor or indoor. The latter involves toys as well as electronic games, while the former are virtually limitless and include age-old…

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The Why Factor

How to answer his many many questions What is it that makes a toddler keep asking, ‘Why?’ to almost every answer? Could there be an explanation to this age old habit? While the ‘Why?’ bit may be a daunting a task, it is inevitable as this is a right of passage. So don’t blame it…

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Blocked nose

Helping him clear it A nose full of mucus is nasty to all, but more so to babies below two years because they must breathe through the nose, which they have no ability to clear. A stuffy nose is caused by the common cold or allergic reactions like asthma and sinusitis that inflame blood vessels,…

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Saving tips. For your child’s sake

The knowledge and ability to save aggressively gets us closer to our goals. You need to have goals, so that you know why you are saving and be motivated to do it. Many humans have an innate need to have a family that includes children. These little ones are a joy to have, hold and…

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School Uniform- More than a set of clothes

The idea of taking children to school may be somewhat alien for those taking their little ones to school for the first time. However, whether a first timer or an old hand, your children’s grooming is supreme. This will ensure your child looks pleasant in school, and in turn boost his self-esteem. Requirements School uniforms…

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Yummy Kiddie menus 38

School is back and the kids are happy to see their friend again after the holidays. Guess what else has happened? They have moved one class up; not only do they feel grown but they are in fact growing. This issue’s recipes are supposed to boost the kid’s energy for more work in school and…

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