Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Keeping your little one safe – Act in time, never sorry later

By Babylove Network | June 29, 2021

In recent times, I have become more conscious of babies and their safety. As a result, I have taken notice of what I would refer to as bizarre behaviour by parents and/or guardians. I was seated in a parking lot at the Nakumatt Prestige on Ngong Road when I saw a man driving with his…

Baby Naming BATTLES

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

Is a name worth the fight? ‘My  name is Cynthia Susan Scolastica Nyakega Wambui Mwangi,’ states a two-year-old girl. “Now where on earth did she get all those names?”, you wonder aloud. You are pregnant and suddenly you start to think about your baby’s names. Do you have a name for your baby? Have you…

Coping with death of an infant; my baby died aged 3 months

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

One of my most difficult tasks after the death of my three-and-a-half-months-old baby was to make my five-year-old daughter, then my only other child, understand where her baby brother had gone to. Death of an infant is traumatising and the questions from young siblings are a daunting task. Unfortunately, virtually a daily one. The other…

Fadhili’s suffering and pain

By Babylove Network | August 6, 2021

At the tender age of one, Fadhili was snoring abnormally loud both during the day and at night. This worried his mother, Lucy Gichia. He had a condition referred to as Adenoids. However, when she decided to seek help, the doctor reassured Fadhili’s mother, Lucy, that the problem was common and it would disappear as…

Putting time in your baby’s account

By Babylove Network | August 6, 2021

Why is it mandatory? As a single, working mother. Angela* would leave the house before daylight to beat the traffic and return just after dark. She spent two hours in traffic and ten hours at the work place just so to remain the effective provider of the home. Time is money—you know. She had Saturday…

Dog bites

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Child protection and treatment tips Most children love pets, more so dogs. But although dogs are fun to be with due to their playful nature, they can be dangerous to both children and adults if improperly treated. Globally, there are 60,000 dog bites occurrences reported annually. It is estimated that Kenya accounts for over 10,000 the incidences, half of which result in fatalities.…

Sleeping problems?- here’s a cure

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Children can be grumpy sometimes. As a new mother, this can easily drive you insane and sink you into depression because unlike an adult, your baby is not able to explain to you what is irritating them. This brings to mind Amanda Nyarongi, an adopted mother to baby James. When she took James from a…

Month 2 – hold me good

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

After a happy routine of feeding, bathing, cooing and soothing, your baby finally turns two months! His features are now more defined; he has developed further emotionally, and certainly calls for more of your attention than before. Here are a few things to expect of your two- month old. Senses Your baby has started seeing well,…

Making Homemade Baby Food

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

Making your own baby food gives you the distinct advantage of controlling what goes into your baby’s sensitive tummy. You determine how much, if any, sugar and spices your baby consumes. Homemade baby food is also the most inexpensive way to go instead of buying ready-made baby food in jars. Making baby food is very…

Making him Spic and Span

By Babylove Network | July 28, 2021

Feeding and bath times are without a doubt some of the most daunting tasks a mother has to face when it comes to toddlers. Babies are much easier to clean compared to a slippery, messy toddler, who will run at the mention of the word ‘bath-time.’ What’s more, once in the tub, they are fussy; soap…