Proper Hygiene

Key to keeping skin disease at bay
Much as you already know that your baby’s skin is the largest body organ, it is one of the most important parts because it covers and protects everything inside your baby’s body. Without it, his muscles, bones and internal organs would be hanging out and exposed. Apart from holding everything together, your baby’s skin protects his body, helps keep him at Just the right temperature as well as allowing him to feel your sense of touch.

Beyond the aspect mentioned above, from zero to one year your baby’s skin is very soft, gentle and vulnerable to diseases. As his immunity is still developing, the skin takes over and plays a very important role of helping the immune system fight infections. It does this by forming a protective barrier against potential irritants and allergens. At birth though, babies lack this important skin attribute. This is because their skin is still thinner, making it more sensitive to chemicals and other elements that he may get exposed to. For that reason, it needs a lot of care to keep it healthy

As a matter of fact, this explains the reason why most healthcare providers discourage mothers from using any form of talcs, washes, creams lotions or any baby skin products. ‘Some unconfirmed research studies have even linked the escalation of eczema, asthma and other allergies reactions in children to the huge increase in the amount of products mothers use on children right from birth: says Dr. Lawrence Alube, a skin specialist in private practice in Nairobi.

But as your baby grows, this attribute develops gradually, allowing his skin time to adapt to the outside world and build up its own protective qualities before it can withstand substances that baby products contain. But even as this happens, buying 100 per cent natural products is the only way to go. They are much gentler and friendly on your baby’s skin.

How to care for your baby’s skin
To help you keep your little one’s skin “baby soft” the natural way, you could:

  1. Always remember to keep your hands clean when handling your baby. Your hands could easily transfer or rather spread harmful germs that could cause him skin problems.
  2. Clean your baby using plain water or recommended newborn baby soap for at least the first month of his life. Avoid using any cream, wipes or washes. This, explains Dr. Alube, allows your baby time for his skin to build up barriers against any allergies along with the self moisturizing mechanisms that will help keep his skin smooth and supple
  3. Avoid bathing your baby in hot water, no matter the weather condition. Instead, use lukewarm water. Dab rather than rubbing his skin dry, this is less dehydrating and much kinder to your baby’s developing skin.
  4. If you have to use soaps, washes or wet wipes, go for natural or organic varieties, perfume-free and without any chemical additives. Not doing so could strip away your baby’s natural defense and could also irritate his skin.
  5. It is also advisable to avoid using harsh detergents when washing your baby’s clothes, sheets as well as anything that comes into contact with his skin. Use a fabric softener to rinse the clothes. Always ensure you iron the clothes before your baby uses them.
  6. In case you need to oil your baby, invest in massage oils that have natural ingredients. This will serve as good moisturizers for his skin.
  7. Be extra sensitive to the environment your expose your child to. A clean surrounding will contribute a lot in the prevention of skin problems among children.

Some of the most common skin maladies that may affect your child because of exposing them to a dirty environment include:

Diaper/Nappy rash
This skin condition affects mostly months old  babies. It is attributed to too much wetness and rubbing as a result of staying with urine or stool for long without being changed. You are hence advised to keep checking the diaper or nappy of your baby to avoid this kind of rash. In case your baby gets the rash, apply cream or petroleum jelly and within two to three days, the rash should be able to disappear. In case it does not, seek medical advice.

They are infections with animal parasites that usually hide in the top layer of the skin otherwise known as the epidermis. They usually appear between fingers and wrists and when the organism start moving from one point to another, they cause your baby to itch. If you notice this, seek medical attention quickly to prevent them from spreading.

It is a result of skin irritation from an allergic reaction. It is one of the most common skin problems in children below the age of five but studies indicate that it tends to disappear as the child grows into adulthood. When the rash first appears, it sometimes looks moist, could bleed when scratched and is mostly seen around the Joint areas. To protect your baby from this, you should exercise high standard of hygiene both within where the baby stays and even among he people who come into contact with your baby In case your baby gets eczema, let him be seen by a specialist for treatment

Other skin conditions that your baby is vulnerable to include acne, foot-and-mouth disease and ringworm’s, among others. To prevent all these, keep the baby clean at all times.

END: BL 43/26

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