Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!


By Babylove Network | July 24, 2021

Ugandan musician Grace Nakimera expresses her joy at being a first-time mum. For the 22 years I have lived, seeing my baby for the first time was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I had not gone for a scan and so I did not know I was expecting a girl. When…

Baby must-haves

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

While shopping for a new born can be costly and overwhelming, especially if you are buying a tonne of items, your baby would be quite happy if you just brought home the essentials. The answer to this predicaments is found in the following checklist, which is baby layette. This is simply a list of items…

Running tummies – Holding their horses

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

Back in my childhood days when I was about 7, I remember seeing my 2-year-old cousin very weak and fragile after an entire night’s bout of diarrhoea. My mother fed her a salt and sugar solution, which I later learnt was for hydration. For a long time, I never witnessed any other incident of a…

Injured little fingers

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Angelina, a three year old, was fond of following her mother as she went about her chores. One time though, her mother did not hear the little footsteps behind her, so she immediately closed the door after entering the kitchen. What followed was Angelina’s screams. Her finger had been clipped into the shut door. Such are…

Vegetables – Stir fry

By Babylove Network | July 23, 2021

One way to make children indulge in vegetables is by spicing them. Kids often refuse to eat vegetables due to poor presentation and lack of creativity. One has to be artistic to be able to lure kids into enjoying veggies. For instance, colour is very important to children; the brighter the vegetables, the better. Kids are…

In search of understanding

By Babylove Network | July 26, 2021

The days following my confirmation to my family that I was expectant were filled with drama. From my son, the maid and unfortunately, my husband too, smiles were not forthcoming. Not that I had bothered to explain my pregnancy to anyone, but it appeared to me that everyone, including the neighbour’s cat and the watchman’s…

Inverted Nipple

By Babylove Network | July 24, 2021

To many, talking inverted nipples is an unheard of phenomenon. You may want to ask ‘how can a nipple be inverted?’ while some are contemplating how nipples can be inverted, others are wondering whether their nipples are inverted or not. Below is the story of Carol Gitonga who has had a difficult time  breastfeeding her babies because…

Hay fever in young children

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Causes and prevention Hay fever, also medically known as Allergic Rhinitis (AR) is an allergic inflammation of the nasal ways. Like all allergic reactions, it is caused by allergens, a foreign invader that enters the body by inhalation, swallowing or through skin. In Hay fever, the allergens are airborne substances that enter the airways (mouth, nose, throat and lungs) through breathing…

Burping-tips on baby safety after a meal

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Don’t forget to make him burp after he takes milk!, most mothers will tell their baby’s nanny. But how exactly to do it, is sometimes a nightmare, especially when you are a first-time mum. Most mums dread to think what the consequences of not burping a baby might be. To allay such fears, it is…

Exam time!

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

BabyLove and Pregnant Magazines have provided with you quite some amount of information on the legal issues that surround parenting. Well, it is proper to give exams after a session of lessons, especially about law—just so that you can confirm your understanding and avoid losses. Here we go! State the answers to the following: 1…