Ted, my little go-getter

Raising a child is a beautiful experience. The first days always remain etched in the mother’s mind, for they are magical, with every milestone presenting something new and enchanting.

Winfred Ndumi retraces her son’s first steps.

TED was not so eager to come to Planet Earth! He had me waiting in the hospital for four days. The result – a bouncing, baby boy weighing 2.9kgs. But amid the pains, I knew I was bringing a great person into this world. A president, a pilot, who knows? Maybe a great bike rider!

It was a Caesarian Section and the wound took quite long to heal; about 10 months. I still feel itchy where the cut was made but when I look at my little boy, the pain ceases to matter.

I always thought that immediately after birth, the breast milk comes out in tonnes, much to my disappointment! There was little for baby Ted to suckle on at the beginning. It was a nerve-racking time for me. I gave him a mixture of glucose and water to calm him because he cried a lot.

I left hospital on the third day after the operation and went home to the waiting hands of my sister. Since I was nursing my cut, she eagerly helped me nurse little Ted.

He cried a lot especially at night. I was immensely worried, but my husband was there to assure me. Ted’s night cries eventually ceased after the 6th month.

I am a stay-at-home mother and I have all the time for my boy. Sometimes I think he may grow tired of seeing me around him every time.

I bathed Ted in a basin for the first time when he was four months old. I could not do this from the beginning, I was afraid of immersing him in water.

All I did was wipe him gently, ensuring he was clean at all times. Luckily, I had the know-how of how the napkins and pampers should be worn by the baby.

Weaning Ted was not an easy experience. I had to force some food on him. I started by introducing mashed avocadoes and bananas in small amounts into his diet. Slowly by slowly, he was able to adapt and as the months passed by he started insisting on eating what every one else was having. He hates eating alone.

I wanted my boy circumcised before leaving hospital but my husband’s tradition and mine clashed. He is Meru and I am Kamba.

In Meru tradition, boys usually get circumcised after their primary education. We have to wait for that time to come for Ted to go through it.

He is already displaying great strength. I wonder if something in his head is telling him to prepare for the world of wrestling.

If he wants something from somebody and they are not ready to surrender it, he will struggle to get it. Indeed a real go-getter!

I want to impart all good values in my baby from this young age. This comes about from the way we carry ourselves around.

Our general behaviour, from language to how we carry ourselves around in the house, has to showcase only the positive attributes in life. We want him to grow up to be a responsible man.

I did not have body issues after birth. During pregnancy, food was not my favourite pastime and hence I did not add a lot of weight There were no stretch marks for me.


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