Month 2 – hold me good

After a happy routine of feeding, bathing, cooing and soothing, your baby finally turns two months! His features are now more defined; he has developed further emotionally, and certainly calls for more of your attention than before.

Here are a few things to expect of your two- month old.
Your baby has started seeing well, especially if there is a movement. If you make funny faces, he may gaze at you in fascination and vaguely try to mimic your expressions. He also smiles back. Remember every interaction with your child now stimulates his brain development. For this reason, a massage comes in handy in helping you interact.

He will also smile or make gurgling sounds when he hears you approaching. This means his hearing sense is also developing. Talk to him during bath times, diaper changing, dressing-actually any time he is awake is good enough for bonding.

Your baby is well able to relax and straighten his body and you may notice the unfolding of the tightly clenched fist.

He has greater head control. When you place him on his back or lay him on your shoulders, he will lift his head for a little while then put it down once again. He will be able to hold a light toy for awhile. Therefore, it is appropriate to give him a colourful rattle to play with to save him some boredom. Occasionally, he may tightly hold your finger or suck his thumb as his grasping abilities improve.

At this point, he still has his 16 hours of sleep. Nevertheless, the pattern may range from one baby to the other. Always remember to put the baby on his back while he is sleeping as it is considered the safest sleeping position. Keep changing the position by alternating how you place him in his cot so that his entire body rests well.

Eating patterns
Your baby’s main form of feeding is still strictly breast milk. His demands to be breastfed may reduce as he grows. Again, this varies from one baby to the other. As long as the growth curve is indicating steady growth, then he is getting enough.

As mentioned, his emotions have developed a notch higher and your baby responds to feelings of safety. That is why he is likely to cry more when you put him down.

Month 2 is also when he gets most of his Immunizations; and there may make him fussy and restless. Hold him, sing to him and rock him as much as possible. Put soothing music while he is resting and create a calm environment, as this is when he easily picks on your mood and follows suit.

End. BL30/ 24

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