Milestones at month 10 – He can connect words to actions

You and your baby have come as far as month 10 today. You are so thrilled by all the changes taking place in him that you want to talk to everyone about it and compare him with other ten month old babies. Just remember that each baby is unique and meets physical milestones at his own pace.

So, if you realize that yours is miles ahead, rejoice. But incase he is lagging behind, do not beat yourself too much with worry, it will take just a little while before he can do the same things as other children his age. Meanwhile, it will help if you use this simple guide to what your baby has the potential to accomplish when he is ten months old.

Milestones this month

■ By this age, your baby will have probably mastered the skill of crawling really well. He will be able to crawl on her hands and knees with her trunk parallel to the floor.

■ Your baby will seat confidently and may even walk comfortably while holding onto furniture.

■ He will momentarily let go of the support and stand alone, for a few minutes before reaching out for the support. Your baby may even take his magical first steps.

■ Your baby may walk while gripping your hand. He may also hold out his arm or leg to facilitate you dressing him.

■ He will comfortably hold a cup and to some extends be able to bring it to his mouth and drink from it.

■ He may start to combine words and gestures and you will notice him waving his hands when you say bye, bye.

■ Even though he may not be keen to obey, your baby is able to understand simple instructions and the meaning of the word ‘no.’ Just make sure to use such words to set important limits so that it retains its weight.

■ Your baby will begin showing signs independence, becoming his own person. He may now assert himself among his siblings and engage in parallel play alongside another baby.

■ Your baby’s fingers are gradually becoming agile, by using his thumb and forefingers; he may be able to pick up pieces of objects without much support.

■ His awareness of heights may have developed almost fully.

■ Your baby may remember events, songs, sounds among other things such that when replayed later, you may notice him paying attention, getting excited or making facial expressions to show familiarity.

What you can do to help your baby

■ Because of his ability to pick tiny object, ensure dangerous objects like pins are not within his reach. Also, ensure any food particles on the floor are not so small that they could choke him.

■ Use your best judgment to set certain boundaries and teach your baby important distinctions like right from wrong and safe from unsafe.

■ You do not have to have you baby wear shoes while he is moving around the house.

■ Doctors say your baby’s feet develop best when they are bare. However, if you have to take him outdoors, let him put on low-cut baby shoes, with flexible soles and upper and those with a lot of room.

■ With you or another adult’s supervision, encourage your baby to crawl up and even down the stairs.

■ Since your baby is beginning to understand simple words and phrases, keep talking to him. Repeat back his words using mature language as opposed to baby talk for the sake of your baby’s better speech development.

■ Devise a way of conversing with your baby. The two of you may not necessarily understand each other but by you talking to him will help him keep chattering away.

■ If he points at an object, it is important that you name the object for him to help him learn names of things.

■ Give your baby a step by step description of what you are doing.

■ Sing to your baby nursery rhymes and demonstrate actions that go with the song you are singing to help him learn to identify and make connections of key words and actions.


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