The grand coming soons

It has been months of endless smiles, me clicking away and dozens of Zuri’s photographs. I intend to capture every precious moment of my niece Zuri. Only recently, baby Zuri learnt to smile, such a beautiful smile that always brightens up our days – she is such a blessing. And guess what, she can now sit up by herself!

I thought that her sitting by herself would be this huge surprise, but it came so naturally I almost missed it-as if I slept right through it. One moment she was lying down and the next, she sat up! I’m still trying to figure out how that happened.

Another milestone happened the other day as Zuri and I were relishing each other’s company. Her mother, Tracy, has always insisted that we desist from carrying her for too long so that she doesn’t get too used to it. Her explanation was that Zuri needed to get used to being more independent and that carrying her all the time may slow her development. I don’t know how true this is, but I have been obedient.

So one time I was watching TV while baby was playing with her toys on the carpet, where I had spread a lesso for her to sit on. As I was engrossed on the program, I noticed that Zuri had fallen onto her back so I went to her, sat her up and resumed my position on the seat. A few minutes later, she was on her back again. Being the good auntie, I went and sat her up again of course. By the third time, I thought that was getting interesting. So I decided to watch her and see what she was up to.

After a few minutes, I realized that she was trying really hard to turn onto her stomach. It was the most amazing scene! I was very tempted to help her but I thought that that was the only way for her to learn. Go gal! And after a few long and struggling minutes, she was on her tummy! She started off by lying on her side, then balanced her way slowly onto her belly. I was so excited that I immediately set her up again so I could have a recap!

True to my expectation, she did it again. This time, she took a shorter time and seemed to have more confidence. I was so overjoyed that I dashed to drag her mum to the sitting room and set up a replay. Tracy was so excited she immediately grabbed the camera. Needless to say, we managed to get the whole episode on video.

When her dad, Isaac, came home from work, our baby was now an expert. Practice sure makes perfect. So sure enough she did not disappoint.

The next big show to come is watching her crawl. I can’t wait to witness this moment because missing the first day she sat up was such an anti-climax. Now she can sit, lie on her tummy and roll on to her belly. Next, she will be pulling herself around on her little strong tummy. And then, she will be a speed shuttling all over the place on her four powerful limbs. My girl is sure raring to go!

The other amazing thing with Zuri is that she’s not fussy. She’s quite content playing by herself and rarely bothers anyone around her unless she is hungry, sleepy or simply bored.

What I find truly awesome is how she has learnt to sleep right through anything. She lets nothing interrupt her sweet slumber, not even noise. She even tends to sleep through the night and when she doesn’t, she won’t wake up more than twice.

Baby Zuri just has a way of making me laugh and I am always happy around her. I am so proud to be her aunt despite the fact that I don’t go out as much as my peers, because I have to help care for her. She has grown into such a big girl; I cannot believe that she is five months old now.

Yes, I may have missed the partying and a whole lot of fun with my friends, but at least now I can see the worth. Babies are precious and beautiful- they bring such joy to the world. Trust me, when she starts walking, you will be the first to know!

END: BL 34/26-27

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