Funny things kids say… 35a

I had just answered my son, Derrick, that the reason we have two taps in the kitchen and in the wash room was that one was for cold water and the other one for hot. Now breastfeeding his younger brother, he asks, ‘Mum is one for cold milk and the other for hot?’

Terry my 5 year old daughter asked how old the grandma was. My mum told her she wasn’t sure. Terry told her to look behind her pants to see her age. She confidently said, ‘Mine says 5 to 6 years?’

My son, Jeremy, and I were travelling in a matatu. An old man with grey hair boarded the car. My son asked me, “Mum, doesn’t this man feel pain in his eyes?”
‘Why?’ I asked.
‘But he did not rinse his head. It’s full of soap?’
There were quite a number of muffled giggles in the matatu immediately after that.

I served, Nicole, my 4 year old nice with juice. She later had hiccups and told me (in between the hiccups) that I should never giver her that juice again because it makes her cough.

‘If you got into a bus and the driver starts driving backwards, does he owe you money?’ Stephanie, a 4 year old, asked her dad.

Mummy I think my teacher has a lying habit. She says 2+2=4, 2×2=4 then later on says 3+3=6 and insists 3×3=9

‘How do you know that someone loves you?’ a teacher asked her class.

Jatelo- The say your name differently.

Melissa –  They take a sip of what the want to give you to make sure it is okay — like my mum does for my dad when she makes him tea.


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