Celebrating Birth 46

Baby: Jay Kim
Mum: Wangu Kimiti
Birthday: 20th June 2011
Birth weight 3.3kgs
Time: 8 30 a.m

My Experience
I was three days past my EDD yet no signs of labour had begun to manifest. But on 20th June at around midnight, I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen that wouldn’t just go away. I woke up my mum who advised me to head to hospital for a check-up. We got to hospital at about 3 a.m. and after being checked by the doctor in-charge, he recommended that I be admitted because my placenta had issues and I needed to go to the theatre for an emergency C-section. I was wheeled into theatre at 8.30 a.m. and I was out by 1.30 a.m. I held my baby for the first time a couple of minutes later. I was overwhelmed by excitement, love and relief. I thank God that my mother was around during the time and above all, God for helping me through the entire process.

Baby: Laura Carmen Reyes
Mum: Priscilla Makutwa Reyes
Dad: Jose Miguel Reyes
Birthday: 3rd July 2011
Birth weight. 2.5 kgs
Time. 9.30 p.m.

My Experience
One evening at 36 weeks, my wife could not feel any foetal movements. Clearly, that was not a good sign. We checked into hospital for a quick exam to confirm baby and mother’s safety. But the doctor advised that she be admitted for observation. After two days without positive signs, he decided to induce labour. Priscilla laboured for a while and stopped, which was also not a normal occurrence. That’s when the doctor recommended a C-section. She was wheeled into the theatre at 1 p.m. and after just half an hour, I was already taking videos of our lovely baby. My wife came to a few minutes past 10 p.m. and she was obviously overwhelmed with love for our baby. We feel privileged to be parents. It is also such an exciting feeling and a blessing, too, because a baby opens your door to friends, family and neighbours who come to congratulate you. A child is also like a part of your heart that’s walking out of you; hence you are always concerned about her well being.


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