Baby smoothie

There is something fulfilling about making food for your baby because it gives you control over how much good nutrition your baby consumes. A great way to provide those vital vitamins to your baby is by making smoothies. Smoothies are very nutritious and delicious and babies find them difficult to resist. They are loaded with Vitamin C and essential baby nutrients to boost your baby’s energy and health and are great for soothing gums during teething.

It is good to try one fruit at a time, preferably the less acidic ones first and carefully watching if your child will develop any allergic reactions. Use your judgment when making the smoothie and in case the baby is affected by any fruit, do consult your pediatrician and ask for advice on what else you can avoid. Many of these recipes are suitable for babies who are nine months and older. For example the recommended age for introducing strawberries and other potentially allergic foods is after 12 months.

Smoothies are easy and fun to make. Be as creative as possible! Here are some great recipes:

Baby Smoothie Recipe – vanilla shake

1/2 cup plain, vanilla or banana yogurt
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup cranberry sauce
1 apple, peeled, cored and cut into chunks
dash of cinnamon
1 fresh banana


Combine everything in a blender.
Blend until smooth. Serve immediately

Avocado Smoothie

1/2 an avocado
1/3 banana
1 tablespoon wheat germ(optional)
2 tablespoons macadamia or other nut butter
1/4 cup soy yogurt

Blend in all the ingredients in a blender until smooth.
Serve immediately.
Try substituting other fruits for the banana-like pureed mango and oranges.

Baby Smoothie Recipe – Banana Pumpkin Shake

1-cup milk or whole milk yogurt
2 tablespoons fresh cooked pumpkin (or homemade puree pumpkin)
1 banana
dash of cinnamon

Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth.
Serve immediately.


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