Tasty Spinach – not just another veggie

A Spanish proverb says, ‘The belly rules the mind.’ This statement holds true for most of us. Various foods improve bodily functions,including the mind. However, spinach is a vegetable that most children love to hate-some cringe at the thought of eating it. Regardless of the taste, the fact is leafy green vegetables such as spinach provides more nutrients than any other foods.

This rich vegetable can be eaten raw in a salad, or one can simply make a green smoothie. You can cook it (but lightly, not to lose the nutrients), eat it as a dish on its own or add it to soups and other dishes. Remember to steam it instead of boiling to enjoy all its nutritive value. Spinach is widely available and affordable, and only your lack of creativity will limit the foods you can serve it with.

Nutritional value
Compared to red meat, spinach provides much less calories, is fat and cholesterol free and is an excellent source of iron, which is a vital mineral for growing children. Since iron is a component of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to all body cells, it is needed for energy.

It is a heart-healthy food and is an excellent source of vitamin C and A. It also contains folate, which is important for a healthy cardiovascular system in your child, and magnesium, a mineral that helps in lowering blood pressure.

It is loaded with flavanoids which acts as antioxidants, protecting your child from cancer.

It is helps in better functioning of the lymphatic, urinary, and digestive systems. Spinach has a laxative effect and is wonderful in weight-loss diets. So no need to starve your child, just add some spinach.

It is useful for better gastrointestinal health because of the presence of vitamin C which works to protect the colon from cancerous- – effects. It contains nutrients with anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce the effect of inflammatory diseases such as migraine headaches and asthma.

Spinach is a rich dietary source of vitamin K which is essential for the production of six proteins required for blood clotting to take place. Without it, your child may lose a lot of blood even from a minor injury.

Safety tips
Some children may be allergic to spinach. It is one of the highest pesticide- containing foods. So it’s important to eat organic spinach. It’s possible that it can interfere with proper thyroid gland functioning, although cooking may reduce the harmful goitrogenic compounds. The oxalates in spinach may interfere with the absorption of calcium. If your child has kidney or gallbladder problems, be careful about eating this green.

Chicken and Spinach Soup recipe

  • 200g of chicken breasts
  • 200g of fresh spinach
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of onions, chopped finely
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar


  • Remove the spinach stems and wash the spinach
  • Blanch the leaves for a few seconds in boiling water, until they are just wilted
  • Slice the breasts chicken fairly thinly
  • In another pot of boiling water, cook the chicken slices for about two minutes, until they are white and soft
  • Drain both the spinach and the chicken
  • Add the soy sauce and the sugar
  • Add the cooked spinach and chicken Bring the soup back to a simmer; then add the spring onions.

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