Make him responsible – for his own good

Picture this, after gruesome hours of childbirth; you finally deliver your child. Your nurse takes him away from you to get him all cleaned up. When she comes back, not only does she bring back your baby, but there is also a set of instructions on what to do with him attached! What a simple life!

Unfortunately, this is not the way life goes. And for first time mothers, instilling important values of life can prove difficult. Among other things, mothers are charged ‘with teaching their children how to be responsible. Responsibility is about people behaving the way they should-even when there is no one watching. They do the right thing because they have values like respect, courage, self-control, honesty and self- respect.

Young children too can understand this as long as you guide them through these important lessons of life in a way that they can understand

  1. Be an example : What you see everyday you appreciate; the same goes for children. Children learn from what they see and hear around them. So act the part you want your child to be.
  2. Teach them:  Your kids are never too young to learn. Guiding them even by helping them do their first household chores points them in the right direction. Remember not to give them more than they can handle and praise them for their efforts.
  3. Start small : Teach them small tasks like cleaning up after themselves; for example, taking their cup or plate to the kitchen for washing after dinner. Teach them to return their toys to their proper storage area after they have finished playing with them. This helps them learn being responsible for their actions.
  4. Actions have consequences : Give them consequences for their actions. If they have disobeyed, consider giving timeouts rather than beatings. This will allow them some time to think about their actions in a calm manner. You can also implement restrictions on something they like to do to for them to understand that good things are earned with good behaviour.
  5. Encourage earning :  Show them that one has to work to get what one needs and what wants. Give them a small allowance for doing chores. Explain to them that they need to earn extras like a video game or a new toy.
  6. Make Volunteers : Encourage them to do volunteer work too as they grow. Character building is learnt from being selfless, as the case is with volunteering. Exercise love, patience and understanding as you guide your child so that, they learn to be responsible.

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