Funny things kids say…37

Funny things parents say

If you don’t finish your food Richard (neighbour’s younger kid) will grow taller than you.

To a crying six-year-old boy. ‘A-a-ah! Stop that. Men don’t cry.’

I am going to the market, take of care my child. If I meet the child crying or if you make him fall, you will know I don’t laugh.

I always came first in everything at school. I was the very best! There was only one time I came position two because of school fees and it was so disheartening! I really cried. And that has never happened again.

A six-months-old takes medicine, loves the taste and smacks her lips with the sound, ‘mmma-mmma…’Her mum shouts with joy; ‘There, did you hear that? My daughter just called me ‘mama!’

Funny things kids say

I had just delivered my second child, a beautiful princess. My first born, then six years old, had been looking forward to a brother. He asked me whether our new baby would become a boy when she grew up.

A three year old girl was stroking the tummy of her pregnant mum when the mum said, ‘The girl thought for a while then moved to where the Dad was sitting. She hesitated, the slowly began stroking his large tummy. Occasionally, she looked into his face, waiting for him to say something…’

A four year old boy staggered into the sitting room where his parents were entertaining visitors. All attention was on him because of his ’drunken’ posture. He suddenly announced, ’I am the lion that roars in this house! And everyone else hides under the bed….’ The dad was mad at his son for trying to mock his character. True, he admitted to his friends, he did occasionally harass the family when he came home drunk.

One of the visitors, amused, asked the boy jokingly, ’And where is the lioness of the house?’ The boy turned, his eyes searching, then pointed innocently at the housegirl.

END: BL37/26

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