Baby massage: The touch of love

Touch is a loving way that both mum and dad can use to bond with their new born. Through touch, a baby becomes confident from the early days. Touching tells a baby that the world is a comfortable place—she needs not be afraid.

o First, ask for baby’s permission before you start the massage. He should not be hungry or cranky. Never massage the baby against his will. You too must be relaxed so as to hold your concentration. Remember that if you do not relax, neither will your baby,
o Ensure that you are comfortable and can remain undisturbed for adequate time. You can play gentle music to help you both relax,
o Start the massage from the extremes e.g. the legs. Starting from the face may seem like an attack from baby’s perspective.
o Make sure the room you are massaging in is warm. Do it when the baby is naked, especially after bathing thus the room temperature should be at a comfortable level.
o Warm your hands before touching your baby, place a little oil or powder in your palms. Pour oil into an open bowl so you can easily dip the fingers of one hand into the bowl, while the other hand maintains contact with your baby. Do not break the contact and don’t pour oil directly into your baby’s skin,
o Use enough oil for your hands to glide comfortably over your baby’s body.

o Roll the legs between your hands from knee to ankle,
o Hold the leg as if you were holding a baseball bat. Then move hands up the leg together, turning in opposite directions and squeezing slightly.

The strokes for the stomach will tone the baby’s intestinal system and help relieve gas and constipation. Most of these strokes end at the baby’s lower left belly (your right when facing the baby). This is where the eliminative parts of the intestines are located. The purpose is to move everything toward the bowel.

Water wheel A. Using the outside of each hand, make paddling strokes on baby’s tummy, one hand following the other, as if you were scooping sand towards yourself.

Water wheel B. Hold up baby’s legs with your left hand and grasp the ankles. Then repeat the padding motion, using the right hand only. This will relax the stomach and will permit you to extend the massaging action a little more deeply.

Using your fingertips, walk across baby’s tummy from your left to right. You may feel some gas bubbles moving under your fingers.

I Love You: Make a single downward stroke with your right hand on baby’s left belly.

Make an upside down ‘L’ going from your left to right. Make an upside down ‘U’ going from your left to right.
As you go through the series of motions, say ‘I Love You’ in a loving tone. Baby will love it!

Open Book: With both hands together at the centre of the chest, push out to the sides, following the rib cage, as if you were flattening the pages of a book. Without lifting the hands from the body, bring them around in a heart shaped motion to the centre again.

Pit Stop: First lift the arm and stroke the armpit a few times, massaging the important lymph nodes in that area. Squeeze and Twist: Hold hands together around baby’s arm at the shoulder (as if you were holding a baseball bat). Then move hands in opposite directions, back and forth, from the shoulder to the hand, gently squeezing as you do so.

Smile: Baby’s face may accumulate a great deal of tension through suckling, teething, crying and generally interacting with the ever expanding world around him. With the thumbs up make a smile on the upper, then lower lip.

Back and forth: Start with both hands together at the top of the back, at right angles to the spine. Move your hands back and forth, in opposite directions, going down the back to the buttocks, then up the shoulders, and back down once again.

Remember, this is not meant to be a mechanical routine. It should only be practiced with the full co-operation of your baby, and is obtained through love, affection, lots of kisses and embraces. It is intended to be a playful, therapeutic activity that will bring pleasure to both you and your baby. Fathers too are encouraged to massage their babies so as to be involved in baby’s life. Enjoy!

END: BL21/58

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