Baby chat 25

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Our Team Of Experts

Dr. Blasio Omuga
Lecturer, School of Nursing Sciences, University of Nairobi
Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist
Based at Doctors’ Plaza, Clinic No. 18, Kenyatta National Hospital

Dr. David Kiragu
Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist
Based at KAM Health Services
IPS Building, 1st Floor, Kimathi Street, Nairobi

Dr. Njoki Fernandes
Resident Obstetrician/Gynaecologist
Based at Kenyatta National Hospital

When will my baby crawl?
When will my baby start crawling? He is now ten months old. When I hold him up he is able to stand briefly.

Babies start crawling from six months, up to 10 months old. However, some may delay. For the baby to crawl, he or she needs encouragement by being made to reach out for objects. If stimulation to crawl is absent, some babies may stand without ’ crawling.

Is tea good for my child?
Is it okay for my child to have tea? I have always given her drinking chocolate. She is now four years old.

At four years, a child can take any adult food and drink (excluding alcohol), as long as it is taken in moderation. There is no harm in giving tea. However, take into consideration the child’s preferences.

Am I feeding my baby right?
I just started to wean my six month old son. How often should I feed him, how many times in a day should he have a meal? I worry that I may be overfeeding him or even underfeeding him.

To wean a child, introduce one food at time. This way, you will be able to tell if there are any foods your baby is allergic to. Meanwhile, continue with breast-feeding.It is only when a child
is used to the new diet that you can now schedule feeding that is concurrent with breast-feeding, up to 18 months. Scheduling should suit the baby’s needs. If small snacks are given in between, they keep a baby happier. Most parents give breakfast, a feed at 10am, lunch, a feed at 4pm followed.

Is my daughter allergic to meat?
Every time my three year old girl eats meat she gets a rash and scratches endlessly. What can I do to ease this? Does this mean that she does away with this kind of protein?

Your daughter may be allergic to meat. It is wise to give her alternative proteins and introduce meat later when her immune system is further developed. For further management, see an immunologist( a specialist in body’s reactions to substances).

Am I overdressing my child?

How do I know when I am overdressing my child? He occasionally gets heat rashes. I am afraid of her getting cold and so I dress her in layers of clothing.

Children should be appropriately dressed to suit the weather. Avoid heaping clothes on your child because it may make him feel uncomfortable and sweaty. This sweat could encourage skin inflammation and infection, resulting to heat rash.

END: BL25/3

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