My, my – The Miracle

Meet Mylo Nicanory our little miracle. He is named after Dad. He was great guy and I am really proud to have our son named after him. I pray that he grows up to be very humble and very generous just like his grandpa.

MyMy or Nory a nickname we normally call him was born two weeks earlier. He was to arrive on 14th April but decided to come on 31st March. He was in such a hurry to come into this world just like he is in a rush to grow up.

“Slow down our little baby, you have all the time in the world” his mother and I keep thinking. He is barely five months and he’s ready to sit, eat, walk and even talk. He wants to grab everything he sees around him. Like when we are eating he wants to grab our hands so that he can also eat what we’re eating. He must be bored with drinking only his breast milk and wants to eat our more exciting food. When we take stuff away from him he shouts in a baby shout. We try to distract him with other stuff.

Why do we call him our miracle? Well, when he was just one and half months in the womb, he had us scared and we were afraid that we would lose him. His mum had some pain that the doctors advised may be from cysts or the baby not being in the right place and may be situated in the fallopian tubes and not properly in the uterus. The doctors advised that if this persists we may lose the baby. We were really scared and we really prayed for all to be well. We were in dread of going for the surgery that thankfully never was. We give all the glory to God for seeing us through all this and for also giving us a healthy son.

Where does time go? Just a few weeks ago MyMy was colicky and with a cold which had us running to the ER in the middle of the night but now with his increasing appetite( he really likes his milk), fussing when you don’t hold him up, laughing out loud and giggling, we can’t help but thank God. He is indeed our little miracle, our little joy, our little baby.


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