How to keep your kid at ease with Doctor

How do you introduce new things to your kids? You probably start by talking to them about new situations, or even reading them books about different places or people. You may also play pretend—mimicking what people might say or doing things they might do. You may also tell them that the emotions they have—be they fear or sadness or anxiety—are all OK to have.

Those are some of the strategies you can – and should – use at the doctor’s office.

You can read about going to the doctor (or dentist). You can help them understand what’s going to happen there, and you can let them know that worries they have are perfectly logical and acceptable. When you do that, you’re helping your kids move from childhood fears to adult confidence.

What are kids really worried about at the doctor’s office?

This graphic helps you understand their thoughts, and can help you help them.

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