Creating Excitement with Orange Food
Pumpkin and Carrot Mash Recipe
Orange is a very warm and vibrant colour. It projects fun, excitement and stirs the senses. Orange is friendly and friendly colours encourage baby to eat vegetables. This easy to prepare pumpkin and carrot mash is not only nutritious, but will also get baby feeling at ease.
Age: 7 to 9 months.
• 1 cup pumpkin diced
• 1 cup carrot diced
• Steam the diced pumpkin and carrots.
• Use just enough water to make them soft but not mushy and waterlogged.
• Use a blender to puree the cooked veggies till smooth.
• To be extra sure, pass the puree through a strainer.
• You may add baby’s milk to thin the puree if needed depending on what consistency baby is used to.
• Your baby will love this colourful mixture.