Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Drowning Alert

By Babylove Network | July 31, 2021

While swimming at a club with my friends recently, they persuaded me to dive at the deep end of the pool. I flatly refused. This stirred a heated conversation that went beyond my fears to a discussion on drowning and other water accident ordeals. The stories were really sad. They brought back fresh memories of…

Where is the money for child support?

By Babylove Network | July 28, 2021

There was this good friend (we’ll call her Angela) whose child’s father was overly reluctant to provide for maintenance-for the child that he sired. We were up in arms to tell her that she should approach the authorities and see to it that he meets his lawful responsibility-particularly considering he was living a lavish lifestyle as he…

What is wrong with you sonny?! It could be attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

By Babylove Network | July 22, 2021

Children sometimes daydream in class, may forget to do their homework or even fidget at the dinner table, behaviour which is considered normal. On the other hand, there are children who can’t sit still, who hardly listen and keep blurting out inappropriate comments. Most of the time, they are labelled as trouble- makers and are…