Edition Contents
Each Pregnant Magazine edition covers several topics. CLICK titles to read the articles. To choose another edition, scroll to the bottom of this page. Enjoy!

Month seven Energetic, manipulative, anxious and communicative

By Babylove Network | July 28, 2021

I am pretty sure you would be so taken aback if you woke up one morning and saw your baby standing in his crib staring right back at you. I would, no doubt. Now, as a mum, you had better start getting used to such surprises, because such are the skills and abilities that come…

Mum gives everything – and reaps abudantly

By Babylove Network | July 25, 2021

Life has a way of igniting happiness, even in situations when we ask ourselves if it is worth living. But, with the risk of sounding philosophical, I have learnt out of experience as a mother that if we look for something to be appreciative of in life, we are bound to find it. When growing up, I vividly remember how many…

NO PLEASE! When your baby says a regular no to food

By Babylove Network | August 1, 2021

In the previous edition of Pregnant, we discussed why some babies refuse to be fed by their mothers, sometimes preferring auntie’s (nanny’s) feeding. We now focus on babies who refuse to eat irrespective of who feeds them. There are foods which we, as adults, loathe to taste, let alone eat, irrespective of where they are…

Treat those burns and scalds

By Babylove Network | July 19, 2021

You are seated at the breakfast table when your toddler accidentally tips his cup and splashes hot tea on his arm or thigh. There follows a scream in pain and quick action to aid. Or maybe he engages in a game near the fireplace while playing outside and gets burned; or he gets a burn from…

The best fed baby – HERE ARE SOME TIPS

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Proper upbringing 1. Feeding: Proper food is very important for a child’s’ health. Breastfeeding is considered to be the best source for nutrients supply to the body of the new born child. Breast milk contains colostrums which play a vital role in building up the immune system of the child. This will eventually help in…

Bliss is time with the kids

By Babylove Network | July 25, 2021

Last weekend, I went home to receive a lovely surprise. My sister insisted that I should visit her and I did, not knowing why she was so excited. I can be receptive of surprises from time to time, but mostly the ones I do not anticipate. Unfortunately for me, I saw the surprise from a mile away; thanks to my sister.…

Making of a man. Dad’s job

By Babylove Network | August 3, 2021

I don’t know if ‘quality’ time between a father and the son is still the norm these days. Nevertheless, I strive to make time for my prized son, Kevin and me. Here is what happened to me when I got home from work recently: ‘Dad, our teasher wants us to learn a shong,’ says Kevin…

Did you know? 46

By Babylove Network | July 10, 2021

A newborn’s survival instincts kick into action just minutes after birth. If he or she is gently placed skin-to skin with the mother facing the breast, he or she will automatically turn his face towards the breast and make sucking motions with the mouth, an action commonly known as ‘rooting reflex’.  At this point, he…

Gentle Unfolding Chapter two

By Babylove Network | July 31, 2021

May 13th 2000 5.40pm I finally enter the doctor’s room with Tony. I assure him that Tony is the father and can stay. He asks about our relationship, which I find uncomfortable. He wants to know whether we are married, how long we have known each other…the nitty gritties… I think he is intruding my…

Your child has measles? Fruits and rest work magic

By Babylove Network | July 30, 2021

Most countries, Kenya included, have achieved the United Nations goal of reducing deaths from measles by 90 per cent between 2000 and 2010. The World Health Organization (WHO) attributes this to vigorous vaccination campaigns. However, experts fear that there might be a resurgence in deaths from measles if the vaccination efforts are not sustained, because…