Letters To My Unborn Baby

Birth list

Please baby come and do not tarry

Come soonest you can but do not hurry

But to help you and this tough world marry

Let me write you the things you should carry.

Don’t forget to come with your heavenly smile

It will help you make your enemies a stepping tile

Leave not your inborn joy and your laughter file

You might need to show it out after walking for a mile.

I need you to come with all the strength you’ve got

The kind of strength that U kicked with in my maternal pot

Come singing the victors’ song like when the warriors fought

And became the distinctive winners of their territory’s plot.

Please pumpkin come along with peace and patience

Because I won’t promise silver spoons and indulgence

But some vicious vexing and volts of valid vengeance

Though am at ease, I know you have the right essence.

Most of all don’t miss to come with the divine hope

That will help you see beyond the mountainous slope

When the clouds have dimmed and all knowledge is a flop

When sanity and courage would have all closed shop.


Ken Mbugua is a communications practitioner and marketing consultant. He is the organizer of, and performs at The Genesis Poetry. His communications mission is to entertain and pass a holistic message of social uprightness for positive social growth through poetry writing and performing. ngashmbugua.wordpress.com kenmbuguang@gmail.com

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